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時間 2009-02-04 03:17 PM,
作者 russmania
bye for now...........!!!
發表在 貓迷俱樂部,
時間 2009-02-04 03:16 PM,
作者 russmania
[這篇文章最後由russmania在 2009/02/04 04:16pm 編輯] another Heavenly's picture...........
發表在 貓迷俱樂部,
時間 2009-02-04 02:52 PM,
作者 russmania
Heavenly and Daddy Russ.........
發表在 貓迷俱樂部,
時間 2009-02-04 02:51 PM,
作者 russmania
more Heavenly...............
發表在 貓迷俱樂部,
時間 2009-02-04 02:46 PM,
作者 russmania
Just taken some latest pictures for my queen Heavenly...........enjoy
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時間 2008-11-11 01:23 PM,
作者 russmania
下面引用由virginliu在 2008/11/10 09:20pm 發表的內容: hi Russ, I know your sweet sweet Calli had a great show yesterday. Congrat! Well, whenever I look at her pics, I still can't help but think that she and my Mia look a bit alike. <LOL> Vi ...
but then hey, Virginia, it's not a good idea when a MCO looks like a NFC.........LOL Mia definitely needs to develop a much more boxy muzzle as she is to be shown good........but given her lines, she shall be able to have that............ And yes, Calli did very well in show, and all three judges love her BIG TIME.........and they did say her head type is superior.........and she of course got granded in one-show, like a piece of cake, and has joined my one-show-grand squad (90% of my grands are one-show indeed) now..............
發表在 貓迷俱樂部,
時間 2008-11-10 04:31 PM,
作者 russmania
Calli in show - 4
發表在 貓迷俱樂部,
時間 2008-11-10 04:29 PM,
作者 russmania
[這篇文章最後由russmania在 2008/11/10 04:33pm 編輯] Call in show - 3
發表在 貓迷俱樂部,
時間 2008-11-10 04:28 PM,
作者 russmania
Calli in show - 2
發表在 貓迷俱樂部,
時間 2008-11-10 04:27 PM,
作者 russmania
Calli in show - 1
發表在 貓迷俱樂部,
時間 2008-11-10 04:25 PM,
作者 russmania
Calli in her first CFA show in Hong Kong...............
發表在 貓迷俱樂部,
時間 2008-09-16 12:42 PM,
作者 russmania
My wife has filmed a video of Calli - enjoy............... http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=g9MtCBwbrKQ
發表在 貓迷俱樂部,
時間 2008-09-16 12:40 PM,
作者 russmania
Calli 剛好逃過一劫..........超級颶風 "Ike" 在 Calli 離開後瘋狂橫掃美國中南部,包括德州在內災情嚴重.................
發表在 貓迷俱樂部,
時間 2008-09-16 12:28 PM,
作者 russmania
She is Calli - just arrived from Texas, USA last week (上週由美國德薩斯州來港)................ CH Forestkatz Sweet Calli of Russmania
發表在 貓迷俱樂部,
時間 2008-09-05 03:08 PM,
作者 russmania
Zally 在剛過去由歐洲"國際貓協" (FIFe - Fédération Internationale Féline) 一年一度舉辨的"北歐大賽" (Scandinavian Show) 取得相當理想的成績................