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下面引用由russmania2007/11/07 11:23pm 發表的內容:
put it this way - I compare this boy DIRECTLY to Antonio............and the other torbie girl from the US to Heavenly...........let's hope that my guts are right!!!

Got it.  That means you're going to retire Heavenly soon as well, right?
Your guts should be right, because of the bloodlines behind!
下面引用由russmania2007/11/07 11:07pm 發表的內容:
not really making my cattery any bigger............one in, one out - I've got quite a bit of neutered cats in my cattery for showing and after the season when titles are gained they will be rehomed ...

But having spent such a long time with them, you will miss them a lot, won't you?   They say that one of the hardest things of being a breeder is to see the little fellows leave you one by one.  
下面引用由russmania2007/11/07 10:57pm 發表的內容:
superb profile shown in the first day of birth...................I'm speechless........

In a modern term, this baby is 'gifted', undoubtedly!
Wow......when have you decided to expand the scale of your cattery so drastically?   Do you need to move to a super big house to accommodate all these little fellows as well as their future offspring?

@_@  I am speechless too!
And flabbergasted!
下面引用由russmania2007/11/07 10:02pm 發表的內容:
I'm showing Bohemia (GP, premiership), Bridget (CH, championship), Constantine (OP, championship) and Rainy (kitten)...................

Ha, so many!  Look forward to seeing the new faces and you as well in the show!
下面引用由russmania2007/11/05 09:06pm 發表的內容:
look at Dragomir's profile as well.................
if you insist on this feature (which is a MUST for NFC anyway, like SMALL EARS in Persian) then you should be able to get them in your cats...... ...

So, which cats are you going to show this weekend?   I'm gonna show Da Vinci and a domestic shorthair (not Tiger, though).  
There is a speciality ring this time.... wondering how it is conducted!  I just know that the long haired cats and short haired cats will be judged and awarded separately.  
下面引用由幸福的羊2007/11/06 10:58am 發表的內容:

一直打噴嚏的情況令人有點擔心, 因為幼貓頗易感染貓感冒, 而打噴嚏是其中一病徵.  當然這也不是必然的.

關於醫療保健的問題, 恕我不便隨便作答.  但我建議你到"貓迷保健"板問問詳盡好一點.  那裡有醫師解答你的問題呢!  

有一個小提議, 便是每天替小貓量體重, 並確實地紀錄下來.  一則可自己作參考, 二則在下次見獸醫時可提供更具體關於小貓的成長的資料.   貓這麼小, 用食物磅便可以了.

下面引用由幸福的羊2007/11/05 11:17am 發表的內容:
我現在是餵她吃缶頭奶ㄕY,只吃缶頭,但缶頭吃久了對小貓不好,? ...


要讓貓咪將來願意吃乾糧, 在他們還小時便要習慣乾糧的氣味(因貓咪是靠氣味來找吃的).  所以我便提議了餵小貓咪吃用貓奶來浸軟的乾糧.  若果小貓咪慣了只吃缶頭, 很難改掉的.  當然, 有些貓可能一生都只吃餵缶頭的,  那要看你想如何了.  不過一餐內用缶頭混乾糧則對牙齒不好.
下面引用由russmania2007/11/05 08:19pm 發表的內容:
yep.....profile is razor straight.................

Do most NFCs have profile as straight as your girl's?   Is that feature easy to 'get'?  
In MCs, having a slightly curved profile is a must for a show cat.  
下面引用由russmania2007/11/05 11:31am 發表的內容:
and wonderful colour and marking..................

Yes, very beautiful marking and profile!
下面引用由russmania2007/11/02 11:46pm 發表的內容:
This is Christie, a truely marvelous girl comparable to Heavenly in every aspects...........well, if only I had enough money to buy two girls back then.............

I wasn't aware that NFC can also have such long lynx tips before.   In this respect, they are rather like MC.
Do they come from the same cattery?  

I notice that Heavenly's got very clear eyelines, and Antonio seems to have inherited this feature from his dam.
下面引用由russmania2007/11/02 11:19pm 發表的內容:
not at all............she is agouti (i.e. with tabby phenotype) so she is brown patched tabby and white..............or called black blotched torbie & white in Europe

Really?  But I can't see her tabby marking at all, and that's why I thought she is a calico.  
下面引用由russmania2007/11/02 10:41pm 發表的內容:

By the way, Heavenly's coat colour is calico, isn't it?  But I seldom see a calico with such high white...
下面引用由russmania2007/11/02 10:40pm 發表的內容:

Haha......yep yep, really looked like a 錦鯉 when she was small!  Never noticed that her pattern is so distinctive and interesting!!!  I also couldn't help laughing when I saw this pic.     It's beyond any doubt that Heavenly is a very beautiful mother!  I first saw her in Cats' Life Magazine.
下面引用由shanju2007/11/02 08:52am 發表的內容:

我打的時候也隱約感到自己錯了, 但想不起來....
"蘇眉"曾是香港人超愛吃的海魚, 超大條的, 很貴.  但因有吃了中毒的個案, 現在較少人吃了....

不好了....不知為何由說挪威森林變了說魚, 恐怕russmania要反白眼了.....
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