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討論區首頁 » 文章發表人是 virginliu
Shanju, 我真的很興奮啊, 因Da Vinci在前天的CFA show取得超級冠軍了!  其實即使沒有之前的grand points, 他在第一天的賽事取得的分數已足夠取得這個頭銜.
Hi Russell,
I forgot to tell you that I was asking that question 'coz I'm planning to obtain another female.  So, I've been scratching my brain about the colour of the next girl I want.   Since my boy carries dilute genes (his sire is a blue), it'd be interesting to get a female with dilue genes too since my target is to produce litters with a rainbow of colours..........Your suggestion is more than welcome!
Hi Russell, I want to ask you a question about combination of colours for prediction of mating.   If the male is a brown and the female is a silver, is it that their offspring must all be silver?   The answer is apparently positive, as calculated by some sort of phenotype predictor software.  But I've seen cases in which  a brown tabby male can be yielded (just by referring to the pedigree of my girl).  
下面引用由russmania2007/12/03 11:32pm 發表的內容:
Virginia you'll find lots of info. about the 2007 FIFe World Show Category II...........including cats that you are familiar with.........
http://www.worl ...

Hi Rusell,
Thanks for the links!  There are so many Maine Coon cats in the World Show and the show appears to be a very grand one.  I'm still most impressed with Ryusei, though.   Anyway, it would be great if I could attend one such world show in the near future!
Shanju, 我病了差不多一星期.....不是同一病, 而是星期初和星期末不同的病, 雖則都是小病, 但煩人的.....幸好現在已完全康復了, 要繼續為12月的貓展作預備!
下面引用由shanju2007/11/27 11:30pm 發表的內容:
這就是onocoon Anthony~~

Anthony 真的很美啊!  那銀色的marking和帥哥的感覺很強烈!  難得的是Anthony是日本breeder自家的出品呢!  
Hello Russell, not responding to your messages for quite some time because I had a bad week - ill for nearly a week.  Hey, you've decided to get this boy Boffy?   Couldn't imagine he's so big now.....It's always amazing to see the rapid growth of kitties!  But his eye colour hasn't changed yet, has it?
<knock knock>  收咗線?
下面引用由russmania2007/11/27 10:45pm 發表的內容:
my cats including the Somali got 29 rosettes all together..................

By the way, did you buy the whitening shampoo there?  I want to buy one bottle from you (begging....) because the ones Raymond bought for me were confiscated at the Customs!
下面引用由russmania2007/11/27 10:45pm 發表的內容:
my cats including the Somali got 29 rosettes all together..................

Haha....what a battle!  Good news for us breeders from Hong Kong ah!
下面引用由russmania2007/11/27 10:44pm 發表的內容:
yep......and in one ring she's 2nd best cat allbreed..............

好利害!!!!   打低了很多高手喲!
下面引用由russmania2007/11/27 10:39pm 發表的內容:
hey Virginia............wanna tell you, I've just come back from the Malaysian show.............guess what? - Heavenly (Antonio's mother) got granded in three rings..........my another 1-show-grand ...

Hey, what about our beloved Blue Scorpion?
Congratulations!!!!  I didn't know you showed Heavenly because you hadn't shown her for quite a while!
下面引用由無敵暴暴喵2007/11/25 05:08am 發表的內容:
哇~~~1歲半已經21磅啦!? 0.0

我向Ryusei的主人請教了他飼養的心得.  他真的很用心去照料他.   主人會親自每天煮新鮮的食物及給予補充劑給貓兒, 加上乾飼料, 所以把貓兒養得大塊頭但又富肌肉感.  另外, 他們歐洲人的家真的很大, 又有很大的庭院給貓兒自由走動........真好!

我也知道養貓最大的學問是要把貓keep得好, 所以當我每次見到美貓時, 最欣賞的是主人所付出的心力, 精神和......$$$$!  
下面引用由shanju2007/11/27 00:25am 發表的內容:
不要這樣啦!two show grand也是很厲害的,下次再接再厲,加油~~~
以後他們的BB再來one show grand替爸爸報仇就好~~

希望成你貴言啦.  若果Da Vinci可以在來個show grand到的話就太好了.......但下一個show的挑戰很大呢!

你覺不覺得雖然是同一頭貓兒, 同一套標準, 但不同的評判便有截然不同的賽果?  

所以幾乎所有的breeders都說要學懂不要把得失看的太重, 盡力以為便行了.

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