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討論區首頁 » 文章發表人是 Sheba
My big cat always steal vegetable when I wash them, he eats almost every kind. But the younger one only play and smell and walk away :)
I was introdued to this flea control treatment by the shop I usually buy my cat's supply from. The brand name is "Program" and is a monthly oral treatment. It comes in 6 plastic tubes with white liquid (133mg lufenuron each) in one box. I need to feed my cat one tube per month and it said on the box "the monthly oral treatment for the long term control of fleas, and the treatment of flea allergic dermatitis in small cats & kittens".
Anybody heard of this product? It's manufactured in France.
Sorry I don't have digital camera can't show you the box.
When I look back at them from the shower, they would give me the look "what are you looking at, go back to your shower". What do they think they are doing?
My cats love to watch me take shower/bath. As soon as they hear running water they would rush into the bathroom and watch me. They would stay there until I finish. In the begining I thought they are only curious, but eventually I found out they watch me live watching movie! Does your cats do the same?
1.5 years old boy
estimate 6kg
Very smart cat!!! and very good cat too. Obviously he had been thinking for a while before he decided to "shu shu" in the bath tub. But did you clean the tub after he "shu shu"?
There is a neighbour where my boy specifically love to sniff at I guess becoz he thinks he heard some "meow" from that house during the day and he want to communicate with the cat in there.
下面引用由cindy06012004/02/06 08:45am 發表的內容:
我還沒帶貓出門散步過. 因為還沒買溜貓繩. 所以不敢輕舉妄動. 但是我偶爾會打開門讓貓在公寓的走廊走來走去. 牠會在每一戶門口看一看聞一聞. 然後在電梯門旁邊聽電梯的聲音(一有聲音牠會被嚇到. 但還是喜歡在那? ...

My cats always try to get out of the house when I go out or come home. Usually I don't let them out but once in a while I let them have a stroll in the corridor. Same as your cat they will sniff at every door on the corridor. But they will be so scare and rush home as soon as there is any noise.
下面引用由iami692004/02/06 10:03am 發表的內容:

My cats too! I can tell by their face expression and body movement. When they "shu shu" their tail will shake and if "big big" they will have their "pat pat" and thighs higher in the air and their face is more serious (sometimes close eyes too) :)

Thx, Cindy. I believe cats know what's good for themselves. Like my boy, if there is no "cat grass" available, he would steal vegatable from the sink when I wash them. (he loves salad :)
Not to mention my cats are now happy and healthy, no sick no pain. Personally, as long as they are growing up, capable of jumping and runing around the house and destroying everything in it, they are heathy. If they don't like what I feed them, they will let me know, that I believe.
I totally agree! Actually that's what I'm feeding my cats. I tried other brand but seems my boy don't like others so I just stick to it. I've heard this brand is not good, but I've also heard there are other brands are no good too. Seems there is no one single brand or formular is perfect for our loved babies so I decided not to change but give them supplements instead. I don't mean vitamin pills or anything artifical. I give them steam fish or chicken and grow "cat grass" for them. I believe that's better than letting them eat artifical vitamins or supplements.
I love the "in the basket" album
so cute ar
Look really similar to my cat!
My Red Bean always sit like this gar!
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