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討論區首頁 » 文章發表人是 saka
sometime my boyfriends says 2 min before i ring the bell my momo will be meowing
thus when he meow then he know i will be home soon

下面引用由saka2005/07/06 07:25pm 發表的內容:

sorry mistake
only one is 3 colour..
don't know how to put picture on

if he is sleeping in upstair and i am in downstairs if i called an di will hear "bom" him juped down from the bed and then he will be in downstairs..

one yes  one no
會的那隻是被貫壞always one the new and clean one...
of course yes
mix are cute..
and they all the same
of course not....
but they always upset when i am away and   happy when i am back
會  會
當小隻的咬著小魚乾如果大隻的在附近 小隻的就會一直低吼

cute cute thanks
so cute
Having cats is the most 幸福 things in the world
i had cats for 4 years ....
they are so sweet
the fall in sleep with me when i watching tv and fall in sleep on bthe sofa
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