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寶寶 找到了貓奴........
寶寶  "長舌仔"
寶寶 very funny face
寶寶 is free now
寶寶 , His tongue always like that
昨晚我和幾位愛貓朋友相量後,決定 “收養‘寶寶’再算,我就 Call 那位朋友”有人想收養‘寶寶了,你覺得怎樣? ”  她說 “我要 ‘寶寶’ 住得好呀!”  唉! 我心想怎會差得過她的家。

finally we can pick up 寶寶, then we go to clear the ear......ohhhhhhhh......very dirty, and cut the hair........ohhhhhhhhhh..........very oily........ 爪........屎結........ pat pat........ohhhhhhhhhh ........屎結....
寶寶 ......乖得可憐, .............ohhhhhh the mouth very stink.........ohhhhhhh shit......only two front teeth left........ I really dont know how 寶寶 食乾乾.....now everything is ok......after bath and good sleep.......... 寶寶 會得到幸福........ ^___^
我住在香港的, 香港的屋小得可憐, 但我朋友的屋也許算大了,希望香港的愛貓朋友會收養‘寶寶’呃!  咽哽中!  ‘寶寶’ 要改名叫 ‘草草’ 呃!
She made me mad........

How can she did that to 寶寶, what a shame!!!!  Do u know that laundry room connecting with the Kitchen and there is no good for a cat to be stayed for such a long time.  寶寶 is very hairy Cat but now she is very Stink and the box she stay is very Stink toooooo............(Full of Shit and always in dark and they never hold her anymore)  I cannot sleep last night because the situation of  寶寶.  I really hope some people who love Cats and wont mind to adopt a adult cat to adopt 寶寶
昨晚到朋友仔仔的生日晚會,之後竟然看到朋友的----‘寶寶’[是喜馬]竟然安置在一間小得很可憐的洗衣房內, 因為她有了仔仔之後再沒有時間照顧‘寶寶’, 每況愈下,‘寶寶’好可憐,好想人的愛呀! 我朋友不想要寶寶了,希望‘寶寶’可以找到一個真心愛‘寶寶’的亞娘。‘寶寶’好乖的,好貼心的, 今年八歲。遲 D PO ‘寶寶’的相上來。仍然覺得好心痛!!
RON looks so cool
his cat SASA
and other picture of Ron!
Hi Hi, his name is RON.  Very cute cat and the picture taken by my friend in Japan
我的寶貝 " 小甜 " 的身世之迷

八年前的一晚, 在銅鑼灣酒吧飲酒作樂, 後來飲醉了酒, 傻傻的去了 Pet Shop買下了小甜, 我想是緣份來了   ^)^   今天仍然很高興當天決定................

she is so lovely!! =^_^=

這是我的寶貝 " 小甜 "......... 一直都很溫柔喔^^
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