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過年流浪犬貓大清倉?北市動檢所駁斥 2008/02/04 19:00:21




動檢所表示,新春期間屬國定假日,台北市動物之家二月六日到十二日暫不開放,年後再對外開放,歡迎欲認養或是欲參加為動物志工的民眾洽詢,電話為02-8 791-3252。970204

[這篇文章最後由阿部喵在 2008/02/05 11:10am 編輯]

下面引用由s39262932008/02/05 09:59am 發表的內容:
高雄市關懷流浪動物協會  網站都進不去>.<

下面引用由chuntzuhu2008/02/04 09:05pm 發表的內容:

[這個投票最後由阿部喵在 2008/02/05 11:12am 編輯]





   據了解,這只小母貓名叫“尼古拉斯” ,主人多明戈是在一次帶著它去海灘時,偶然發現“尼古拉斯”喜歡呆在衝浪板上的。多明戈稱這只小貓喜歡在水中表現自己,而不是在地上抓老鼠。


【打印】 【糾錯】 【評論】 【主編信箱】  (責任編輯: 張改萍 )
叫我第一名 4個月大貓咪衝浪
民視 (2008-02-02 11:14)
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  南美洲現在正是艷陽高照的夏天,海邊成了衝浪天堂。但在眾多衝浪客中,竟然還可看到小狗小貓在挑戰巨浪。這麼特別的奇景,帶您一起來看看。喵?貓咪在衝浪好手的背上大叫,不知道究竟是爽快還是害怕。不過這隻只有四個月大的小貓,適應力驚人,一下子就在衝浪板上站穩,重心放低,真的衝起浪來了。一般的寵物貓,別說衝浪不行,可能連把身體弄濕都非常厭惡。但這隻小貓會衝浪、還會游泳,神奇吧!不讓小貓在海浪上一"貓"當先。阿根廷這隻五歲的小狗、也輸人不輸陣,拖著衝浪板往海面衝去,一看到海浪打來了?小狗剛好跳上衝浪板,時間點抓得恰到好處,四條腿的小狗恐怕比兩條腿的人類站得穩多了。這條衝浪好"狗",在阿根廷海灘也是出盡風頭。看來人類衝浪已經不稀奇,帶著自家阿狗阿貓衝浪,才是南美洲海邊的最新流行。民視新聞 孫琬婷綜合報導I


[這篇文章最後由阿部喵在 2008/01/31 07:16pm 編輯]

2008年01月29日 07:21:37  來源:新華網
新華網北京1月28日電 日本政府日前決定在新財政年撥款3.5億日元(約合300萬美元)作為“寵物預算”,為遭主人拋棄的貓狗等寵物支付醫療和養育費。




2008 / 01 / 28 星期一 13:37





Five-legged cat to lose two paws  

Baby Girl will have two paws removed in the operation
A five-legged cat is to undergo surgery to remove a superfluous paw growing from the left side of her body.
The stray was found by a US family in Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania, and taken to a local animal shelter, where she was named Baby Girl.

The operation will not make her a four-footed feline, as vets also plan to amputate a deformed left hind leg.

But staff at the shelter say Baby Girl is already adept at getting around using only 60% of current paw power.

Chrystin Rice, who works at the Washington Area Humane Society, says Baby Girl is in good health as she waits for her operation, scheduled to take place within the next fortnight.

"She's a little bit wild, but she is very easy to handle," she said.

"The veterinarians who have seen her are just amazed that she has five legs. It's probably from in-breeding."

The operation will improve the cat's quality of life, the society says.

So far no one has applied to adopt Baby Girl, although there have been a number of calls to inquire about her progress.

But Chrystin Rice says people shouldn't be put off by the extra leg - or the forthcoming lack of one which should be there.

"It's actually a really, really nice cat," she said.

5-Legged Cat to Undergo Surgery
13 hours ago

EIGHTY-FOUR, Pa. (AP) — Cats may have nine lives, but one unique feline has five legs — for now.

The cat, named Babygirl, will undergo surgery to remove the extra leg and another crippled leg, though the operation has not yet been scheduled.

The surgery is expected to leave the cat with three legs, and improve her quality of life, according to the Washington Area Humane Society, where the cat will live until a home can be found for her.

Chrystin Rice, a kennel associate, said a woman brought Babygirl to the shelter on Jan. 19. The woman had first seen the stray animal as a kitten about a year ago in Canonsburg, south of Pittsburgh.

Babygirl appears to be in good health, Rice said Saturday.

"It's actually a really, really nice cat," she said.

Rice said some people have expressed an interest in the cat, but no one has applied to adopt her.

"We've had a few calls come in, but everyone's just kind of asking how's she doing, when's the surgery," Rice said.


On The Net:

Washington Area Humane Society: http://www.washingtonpashelter.org
美國五腿貓 只用三條腿走路
民視 (2008-01-27 15:14)
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  美國賓州一隻小野貓,身上竟然有五條腿,而且牠的四肢中,竟然有一肢因為不使用而變形,平常只用三隻腳走路。可說是一隻有五條腿的"三腳貓"。名叫漂亮小妞的母貓,和一般母貓可不一樣,牠左側兩條腿之間,還多了一條往上翹的腿。漂亮小妞原本是流浪貓,常常在一戶人家的後院出沒…那不尋常的第五條腿,讓人嘖嘖稱奇。當地獸醫診察後決定幫牠截肢,截去那只多餘的腿、和變形的左後腿。手術將在未來幾周舉行,到時候漂亮小妞就可以擺脫負擔,成為正港用三條腿走路的三腳貓了。民視新聞 孫琬婷綜合報導I

VIDEO: 5-legged Cat Needs Surgery

Posted: Jan 25, 2008 06:23 AM

Updated: Jan 25, 2008 06:49 AM

Cats are known for having nine lives, but one feline in Pennsylvania has a little something extra somewhere else.

A black and white cat named "Baby Girl" was born with five legs as the result of inbreeding.

She's living at the Washington Area Humane Society in the Pittsburgh area until she can find a permanent home.

"Baby Girl" needs surgery to move the extra leg and another one that's crippled.

The shelter is asking for donations to cover the surgery.

Cat With Five Legs Lined Up For Op
Updated:09:41, Sunday January 27, 2008

Cats are known for having nine lives but a special feline in Pennsylvania has five legs - at least for the time being.
The moggy, named Babygirl, will undergo surgery to remove the extra leg and another crippled leg, although the operation has not yet been scheduled.

The surgery will leave the cat with three legs.

This will improve her quality of life, according to the Washington Area Humane Society in western Pennsylvania, where the cat will live until a home can be found for her.

Chrystin Rice, a kennel associate, said a woman brought Babygirl to the shelter on January 19.


動物星球╱德州好奇貓 協助逮到戀童犯
2008/01/26 18:19






Man Arrested After Cat Discovers Child Porn Stash

Amy Spencer can blame her cat for a shocking discovery she made when she moved into her South Austin new apartment: a stash of child porn.

Because of the cat's discovery, 24-year-old Luis Jimenez is now behind bars in the Travis County Jail, charged with the possession of downloaded child pornography.

Spencer says she had just moved into her apartment and was trying to find extra space when she and a friend noticed her cat, Sophie, clawing at something on top of the cabinet.

Spencer said she was shocked by what Sophie discovered.

"Sophie was up there, digging around, and I though at first maybe she had poison or a rat trap or something, and so my friend got up there and stuck his hands underneath and pulled out a stack of seven DVDs," Spencer said.

The DVDs contained video of girls aged 5 to 11 performing sexual acts with adult men.

"It was horrible," Spencer said. "At first I thought it was just like a home video because there was nothing on it, and then it became apparent within the first seven seconds, actually, that we watched that what it was. I've never seen anything like that in my whole life."

Police, however, said child pornography is not rare in Austin.

"This was an unusually large amount, normally you find some on the computer or something like that but to have six full DVDs," Sgt. Patrick Cochran of the Austin Police Department said.

"It's pretty outrageous stuff that's on them," Spencer said. "I mean, it's not teenage stuff. We're talking about, like, a 5-year-old girl on one, and stuff like that," Spencer said.

Spencer turned the stash over to apartment management, who provided police with the names of former tenants. Police were able to track Luis Jimenez through an e-mail address his girlfriend had given the Hunterwood Apartments when they had moved.

"They found one video on the computer, and at that point we used that as probable cause to search the rest of the computer," Cochran said. "He admitted to they were his DVDs, and child pornography was on them."

Officers credited Spencer and Sophie for helping them to make the arrest.

"It would have been the easy thing for her to do is just throw them away, but then we wouldn't have found him, and he may have gone on to get more pornography," Cochran said. "It's unlikely he would just stop on his own."

Spencer said she is happy police were able to catch Jimenez.

He is being held on a $40,000 bond. Because of the severity of his crime, Jimenez must pay the whole amount if he wants to post bond.

Possession of child pornography is a third-degree felony punishable by up to 10 years behind bars and a fine of up to $10,000.

Man Arrested after Curious Cat Discovers His Child Porn  

Last Edited: Friday, 25 Jan 2008, 6:07 PM CST  
Created: Friday, 25 Jan 2008, 4:09 PM CST  

AUSTIN  --  Austin Police arrest a man for having kiddie porn, after a curious cat finds his secret stash of DVD's.

Police say 24-year-old Luis Jimenez lived in the Hunterwood Apartments in South Austin until August of 2007.  After Jimenez moved out of the apartment, a woman with a cat moved into the same apartment unit in September of 2007.  Police say the cat was exploring his new home when it discovered a hidden gap between the pantry and ceiling in the kitchen.

Police say the cat's owner then reached into the gap and found several DVD's, which contained child pornography.  She gave them to the apartment managers, who in turn contacted the Austin Police Department.

After an investigation, police learned that Jimenez was living at the apartment with his girlfriend until August 2007.  Jimenez was called into the police department for questioning, where he admitted to officers that he downloaded the pornography from the Internet without his girlfriend's knowledge.  

On Thursday, Police arrested Jimenez on possession of child pornography charges.  He could face two to ten years in prison if convicted.


The News Bizarre  
Jan. 25, 2008, 6:38PM
Curious cat finds child porn stash, leading to man's arrest
Associated Press
AUSTIN — A cat snooping around its new apartment found a hiding place where the previous resident hid a stash of child pornography, police said.

The woman who owns the cat noticed it could stick its head in a gap between the pantry and ceiling, then a friend reached into the gap and found DVDs containing child pornography, according to an arrest warrant.

The woman took the DVDs to the apartment office and police tracked them to Luis Jimenez, who had moved out of the apartment last year.

Jimenez, 24, has been charged with possession of child pornography and was being held on $40,000 bail. Possession of child pornography is a third-degree felony punishable by up to 10 years in jail and a fine up to $10,000. There was no attorney listed in Jimenez's jail file Friday.

頑皮貓 佛州搭機到德州
潛入行李箱 飛行1300哩

佛羅里達州Sun Sentinel報23日報導,住在佛羅里達州的凱莉.李維(Kelly Levy)最後見到她的寵貓是在送丈夫去機場之前,但她返回棕櫚灘公園的家中後發現,愛貓格蕾西不在通常等候她的地方。





[這篇文章最後由阿部喵在 2008/01/25 08:28pm 編輯]

2008年01月25日 08:50:06  來源:新華網  

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Gracie Mae snuck into luggage and flew from Florida to Texas. (By Rhonda Vanover -- Sun-sentinel Via Associated Press)
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Friday, January 25, 2008; Page C11

This Cat Has a Long Tale

Gracie Mae, a 10-month-old kitten living in Florida, got a little too curious when her owner was packing for a trip to Texas.

The tabby crawled into Seth Levy's suitcase, went through an airport X-ray machine, got loaded onto a plane, thrown onto a baggage belt and mistakenly picked up by a stranger far from home.

At home, Levy's wife said she searched for the cat everywhere. Then she got a phone call from Rob Carter in Fort Worth, Texas.

Carter told her: "I went to unpack . . . and saw it wasn't my suitcase. A kitten jumped out and ran under the bed. I screamed like a little girl."

Gracie Mae made the 1,300-mile trip home safely on an $80 plane ticket.

Hey, Mr. Spaceman

Within a few years, some wealthy tourists could be blasting into space in a craft that looks like a cross between a space shuttle and a corporate jet.

British businessman Richard Branson this week unveiled a model of a spaceship that he hopes will take the first paying passengers into space as early as next year.

The cost: $200,000 for a short trip.

Letting the cat out of the bag
Here's a cat who crawled into her owners suitcase in Florida on Friday, got accidentally loaded onto a plane to Texas and ended up with a stranger who had mistakenly picked up the wrong bag and brought it home.

Gracie Mae made the return flight Sunday night and was reunited with her owner, Seth Levy, of Palm Beach Gardens (seen in the AP photo to the left.).

Levy's wife had taken him to the airport Friday and dropped him and the bag off, according to an Associated Press story about the incident.

When she got back home, she couldn't find Gracie Mae, who had been spayed just days before. She and her father took out bathroom tiles and part of a cabinet to check a crawl space and papered the neighborhood with "lost cat" signs.

Then, amid the searching, she got a phone call. "Hi, you're not going to believe this, but I am calling from Fort Worth, Texas, and I accidentally picked up your husband's luggage. And when I opened the luggage, a cat jumped out," Kelly Levy quoted the caller saying.

Rob Carter said he made it home with the suitcase before realizing it wasn't his -- and there was a big surprise inside. "I went to unpack and saw some of the clothes and saw it wasn't my suitcase," he said. "I was going to close it, and a kitten jumped out and ran under the bed. I screamed like a little girl." Carter said that he eventually was able to get the cat to come out from under the bed, called the owner and made arrangements for the cat's return.

Cat's out of the bag after journey in a suitcase
1 day ago

MIAMI (AFP) — Just when he realized he had grabbed the wrong suitcase at the Dallas/Ft Worth airport's baggage claim, Ron Carter got a bigger shock as a cat jumped out of the bag, Florida's Sun Sentinel reported on Wednesday.

Carter only realized his mistake when he opened the suitcase at home. He was about to close it again when a 10-month-old cat popped its head out of the suitcase, took one look around and bolted under the bed.

"I must have jumped six feet into the air and screamed like a girl," Carter, 37, said, according to the daily.

He eventually coaxed the furry pet from under the bed, and noticed her collar featured the name and phone number of her owners, who had been frantically looking for their beloved "Gracie Mae."

The cat eventually was reunited with her owners in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
下面引用由jiao2008/01/23 01:20pm 發表的內容:

[這篇文章最後由阿部喵在 2008/01/23 09:18pm 編輯]

http://chinanews.sina.com 2008年01月22日 19:18 海峽都市報


  欄目主持 張偉 林丹 張超暉








野貓病奄奄 師生合力搶救
更新日期:2008/01/19 04:09


野狗前緊急搶下 小貓一命



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