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[這篇文章最後由virginliu在 2007/10/28 00:02am 編輯]

Tiger has always been the 'leader' among our cats.  Do you think he's scared that his status will be taken up by Da Vinci?  This morning, Leo even hissed at me, perhaps because he imagined I was trying to attack him.  Poor little fellow! I just hope he isn't too stressed.  

If there were animal psychologists, I would take Leo to see one.
[這篇文章最後由virginliu在 2007/10/28 00:03am 編輯]

BTW, recently, Tiger, my American Curl, has behaved very aggressively towards Leonardo, my Somali.  Leonardo has always been very easily intimidated, so he's now become a pitiable craven at home.  This has happened since Da Vinci becomes bigger and bigger.  I wonder if Tiger's aggressiveness has something to do with this.  But he never bullies my two MCs, apparently because they are 'huge' to him.  
This is a real shame because Tiger used to like Leo a lot when the latter was still young!  
Attached is the pic taken earlier this year.  
下面引用由russmania2007/10/27 00:53am 發表的內容:
Virginia what I am trying to get from this pairing is Jakarta's size & boning, type, tail length, Karamell's size & boning, head structure, profile and coat.
Likewise, Jakarta doesn't have very den ...

The little girl is sweet-looking.  Both parents look very 'European' to me.  What I mean is, they look pretty different from the Japanese type of NFO which I often see.  
Personally, I also like the mum better.  (No concrete reasons - perhaps the head shape?)  
By the way, it's intriguing that this pair, which are both low-white, produce a high-white kitten.  Is this possibility quite low?   I'm interested in this because my D&D are both low-white, and I often wonder if they'll yield high-white offspring.

下面引用由russmania2007/10/26 00:52am 發表的內容:
not at all girl..............you indeed have started off quite impressively with the kind of bloodline you got.............your patience will pay off one day, if not "VERY" soon.......... ...

Haha...don't worry.  I'm often, if not always, pretty optimistic!  Even though I said so, I'm actually quite contented with what I have now.  Da Vinci is a very lovely and spoiled kid and Diorela is so affectionate and amiable.  

Deep down, I am not jealous of you at all!  You're one of the breeders who deserve my biggest admiration, not because of your achievements but mainly because of your dedication to the pursuit of the betterment of your chosen breed of cats!  
下面引用由russmania2007/10/25 11:08pm 發表的內容:
in case you are curious about my new girl Virginia...........
My wait-of-the-century girl from Switzerland, Rainy, has finally come to my home in Hong Kong today and I shall take some new photos fo ...

She's come from very very strong bloodlines ah.......
Of course I'm eager to see her photos, although you said in another forum (don't remember which) that an NFO looks a lot better as he/she grows up.

<sigh>....so envious that you can always obtain cats from such competitive background!  And I've a strong feeling that it would take me ages to accomplish what you've done in just a few years' time.......

下面引用由russmania2007/10/24 11:54pm 發表的內容:
the only bad thing about Scorpion is that he was either born too soon for the BEST KITTEN in Asia; likewise he was born a little too late for BEST CAT in Championship.................
he has everyt ...

Yeah.....esp. the large number of grand points that he should have earned in the Sept show.  

Remember to take photos in the show in Malaysia and show them to me in the Dec show!  J. Lee says he wants to make the show the one with the largest show count of Maine Coons.  (What a shame that I don't have a great enough MC for the show!)  I bet Forego, Diorela's brother, will be there too - a really impressive Maine Coon boy!  

下面引用由russmania2007/10/24 10:33pm 發表的內容:
talking about Joseph, I must say that his Blue Scorpion is defiinitely the real superstar in the championship this year........

Definitely!  He has beautiful ruff and eye colour and his coat is heavy enough.  Plus, he's so affectionate!  But among the coat colours of Somali, I personally like ruddy the most because it's sheer classic.  (My boy is a red one, though.)

Hope Blue Scorpion will have another victory in Malaysia!  (Surely he has all the potential to become a DW this season.)
下面引用由russmania2007/10/23 11:22pm 發表的內容:
btw, my black and white "Swiss Cow" has arrived tonite..........and she looks absolutely marvelous and I just can't help playing with and teasing her for the whole night.................can't wait to see her in shows and of course her babies with Antonio next year...............

Your new kitty reminds me of the arrival of my Somali.  On the first three nights, we let Leonardo sleep with us in our bedroom for fear that he would feel lonely alone.  But he refused to use the litter box.  Feeling concerned, we tried different litter.  

But instead of using the litter box, at last, he urinated on our heads while we were sleeping on the third night!  Joseph Wong, the breeder, couldn't help laughing when we told him the 'joke'.  Gosh!

下面引用由russmania2007/10/23 11:22pm 發表的內容:
........funny guy......really spoiled, no quesion about it.......!!!
btw, my black and white "Swiss Cow" has arrived tonite..........and she looks absolutely marvelous and I just can't he ...

Wow...I'd never heard that you had a plan to import a black and white girl and never seen the pic!

I can absolutely understand the great feeling when a new kitten arrives.   I can hardly fall asleep on the first few nights when there's a new arrival because, just like you, I can't help playing around with the new comer!  (Also, knowing that the new comer is certainly uneasy or unfamiliar with the brand new surroundings in the first week, I strongly feel it's the responsibility of the new owner to stay close to it.)  

Attached is the pic of Da Vinci when he arrived at his new home on the second day - looking so silly and funny!  
Russell, let me tell you one thing about my Maine Coon boy - Da Vinci.  For the last couple of weeks, he stopped eating raw beef suddenly.  I came up with two possibilities (since the beef remained constant while there were only two variables).  No.1: Diorela was in heat and he lost the appetite because of the 'distractoin'.  No.2: He didn't like beef minced with a grinder.  However, I immediately ruled out the second possibility because I didn't think he was that picky and because I know most other breeders practising a raw diet also grind their meat (and also because deep down my heart I wish to keep being lazy.)

I tried to lure him to eat the beef by a few attempts including warming the beef a bit or even mixing it with his favourite canned food, but neither way was successful.

Tonight, I resorted to handcutting the beef into bite-sized pieces again.  And guess what?!  He finished nearly the whole plate!  Don't know why!

So, my conclusion is: my Da Vinci is a spoilt brat, if there are no other more scientific reasons!
[這篇文章最後由virginliu在 2007/10/17 11:17pm 編輯]

That said, I love coming here for leisure.  For example, the DIY page is full of creative ideas of how to make useful and fun items for our four-legged companions.  http://www.supervr.net/catbbs/topic.cgi?forum=24&topic=675&show=0  
It's amazing to see some DIY products that are comparable with the ones available on the market!    

By the way, I'm still updating my homepage.  The original interface is pretty lousy because I chose to use a legitimate but not very suitable software at the beginning.   Now, I'm gradually adding some scripts to enhance the nevigation.   What'bout you?  Have you updated yours recently?

下面引用由russmania2007/10/17 00:44am 發表的內容:
hey Virginia I guess the guy up the top of this page is a little................nuts..........

Haha....at first I also had the same feeling!  But Shanju later explained to me that he was actually quoting a previous message of "the one you know who''.  Instead of teasing us, he's ridiculing that guy.  This forumer, as far as I know, is a CFA breeder of Russian Blue (as I've browsed his website) in Taiwan.   His male RB from Japan is beautiful.  
下面引用由russmania2007/10/15 01:29am 發表的內容:
hope that it's not too long for you..........the forumers in that Malaysian forum tend to be much more knowledgeable in cats than the people here I reckon..................

 Don't worry.  Do you remember my daytime job?  I feel very comfortable reading long 'essays'.....

As for the second statement, I agree with you though I know why it's like that.  I've also reiterated before that 'knowledge' is crucial, and so is the application of knowledge.    
下面引用由russmania2007/10/15 01:26am 發表的內容:
well this is what I wrote in a Malaysian forum when I was asked by a forumer (who is an ACF judge for more than 30 years) about the following:
comyncats (the Australian judge) asked:
""Ne ...

What you've mentioned is indeed a pretty complicated issue - an issue that is perhaps beyond the ability of a green breeder like me to handle.......

In another occasion when I talked to you more or less about the same thing - the type, I remember you used the same wording 'concept'.  Now that you repeated this and that I've done a bit more research, I think I can comprehend what you mean by 'concept'.  A 'concept' to you is like a 'vision' to me.  As I told you before, after seeing loads and loads of pictures of Maine Coon cats, I can envisage the overall looks and the features of the MCats I desire most.  You know, there are some particular 'types' of MCats that I don't appreciate AT ALL (just like you), even though they are NWs or whatsoever, and this kind of 'bias' is purely 'personal'.           Thus, keeping this in mind, I can narrow down my search for my favourite cats and I now know which catteries I'd love to get my cats from immediately when I see their cats' pictures.  Surprisingly, there aren't a lot left!  Nevertheless, there's another tricky issue to deal with (not to mention the difficulty of obtaining them yet) - even if I put two beautiful cats together, their offspring may be far from the 'final product' which I've envisioned before!  Breeding is far more complicated than this.  Regarding this issue, I've discussed with some other breeders before and some of them advise me to obtain two cats that are somewhat genetically related ('linebreeding?') so that their looks and type can be maintained.  This sounds a good and feasible approach but it seems to contradict to my personal belief - to avoid the inheritance of genetic defects.

You have the 'guts' to bring back what it used to be.  As a 'newbie', I don't, because winning is important to me too.   Just like what I said in my website, although I have an ultimate goal to incorporate a 'foundation cat' in my breeding program, this won't be realized in the near future because it is too big a risk in terms of winning.  Don't know the situation of NFCs, but in the Maine Coon world, it is quite a shocking fact that the MCs we have today can be traced back to merely 5 'ancestor' cats, meaning that most MCs we have nowadays are in one way or another genetically very close.  And indeed, now when I search for more info about MC catteries, I find that a lot of cats of my favourite type have the same grandparents or great grandparents.  That's why a group of bold breeders have started to incorporate foundation cats in their breeding programs.  They search for a cat which possesses the features of the MC they want in the wild / in farms and use him/her as the foundation in a bid to widen the gene pool.  Some of the offspring of these foundation cats look very sweet and not feral at all, which, according to them, is the classic looks of Maine Coon.  Besides the looks, they work for improving the overall health of the breed too.  

The whole concept of foundation cats is very fascinating to me.  However, very few of these catteries are title chasers, which means whether CFA would favour / accept this type of MCs has yet to be proved.  And as a green breeder who hasn't established the cattery yet, I dare not take such a 'risk'.   But you are different!  You've already accomplished what you crave for, so there's a lot of room for you to pursue your 'dream'!  

這是我見過最美的緬因女GC, NW Shubacoons Desdemona of Highlander.  kitten時已在2005-2006 CFA show season取得National Winner 的頭銜.  真是一頭不可多得的緬因女!

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