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2002-12-27 06:41 AM
等級: 法老
威望: 2
文章: 36246
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2020-03-02
我最近突然發現..肥丁肥娜不知曾幾何時起...開始怪怪的? 肥丁不再去跟肥娜打架了,肥娜有時只要肥丁靠近牠就會扁牠一頓 如果肥丁偷進肥娜產窩睡覺的話..肥娜就絕對不願意進產窩一步.. 相對的如果其中之一在裡面睡覺我把另一隻抱進去 不管原先那隻睡的多熟牠也會馬上醒來起身離開... 這...怎麼會這樣呢??該怎麼讓它們處的好點呢??
2002-12-27 06:46 AM
最愛: 加菲裘天使小布貝克漢
等級: 法王
威望: 1
文章: 6758
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2009-08-20
因為肥娜懷孕了吧! 所以他會保護小寶寶呀!
2002-12-27 09:30 PM
等級: 法老
威望: 2
文章: 36246
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2020-03-02
ㄟ...有可能喔... 可是以前肥丁還小時肥娜都會一直照顧她耶...現在怎麼會態度大轉變呢??
2002-12-27 09:37 PM
最愛: 汪汪♂
等級: 天使
文章: 1330
註冊時間: 2002-12-27
最近來訪: 2012-12-22
2002-12-27 11:24 PM
等級: 光明使者
文章: 826
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2014-09-30
肥娜要生小baby了哦~ 會不會是要生小baby的喵比較有警戒心呀~ 先祝肥娜母子平安哦^^
2002-12-27 11:34 PM
等級: 法老
威望: 2
文章: 36246
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2020-03-02
我總有預感她會在下禮拜生BB.... 也好啦!當個元旦寶寶也不錯啊!! ^^
2002-12-28 12:22 AM
最愛: 仔妞兔咖點光豹
等級: 精靈
文章: 210
註冊時間: 2002-12-27
最近來訪: 2006-03-27
下面引用由☆Yvonne☆在 2002/12/27 10:37pm 發表的內容: 會不會訴產前憂鬱的現象~~肥娜可能比較在意自已的baby~~
嗯~~~ 我也覺得應該是醬吧!? 她想要好好保護順利生下她的小寶貝呀!
2002-12-28 10:07 PM
最愛: Neko 無敵星仔
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 457
註冊時間: 2002-12-27
最近來訪: 2005-07-27
下面引用由SUPERPANDA在 2002/12/28 00:34am 發表的內容: 我總有預感她會在下禮拜生BB.... 也好啦!當個元旦寶寶也不錯啊!! ^^
下禮拜啊!這麼快!! 也好啊~ 不然拖到妳期末考時還要當接生婆~太辛苦啦!!
2002-12-29 06:13 AM
等級: 法老
威望: 2
文章: 36246
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2020-03-02
下面引用由fanny在 2002/12/28 11:07pm 發表的內容: 下禮拜啊!這麼快!! 也好啊~ 不然拖到妳期末考時還要當接生婆~太辛苦啦!!
其實牠的預產期應該是期末考當天.. 但我總有預感牠會早產... 唉..真希望牠下下禮拜五準時生產..省得我一邊背英國文學一邊幫她接生..
2002-12-29 09:59 AM
最愛: 路.黑.摸.美.安
等級: 老法王
文章: 8694
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2014-05-03
下面引用由superpanda在 2002/12/29 07:13am 發表的內容: 其實牠的預產期應該是期末考當天.. 但我總有預感牠會早產... 唉..真希望牠下下禮拜五準時生產..省得我一邊背英國文學一邊幫她接生..
恩.....當貓祖母真素辛苦.... 加油哦
2002-12-29 12:03 PM
最愛: 臭摸摸還有陳北鼻
等級: 法老
威望: 1
文章: 49264
註冊時間: 2002-12-28
最近來訪: 2011-11-09
下面引用由superpanda在 2002/12/29 07:13am 發表的內容: 其實牠的預產期應該是期末考當天.. 但我總有預感牠會早產... 唉..真希望牠下下禮拜五準時生產..省得我一邊背英國文學一邊幫她接生..
2002-12-30 10:59 AM
最愛: 粗粗茶茶淡淡飯飯
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 632
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2005-11-18
ㄣㄣ~~ 撐過去!為了看到貓孫子再辛苦也值得咩^^
2002-12-30 03:12 PM
最愛: 咪 ㄋㄟ 大頭小花天使
等級: 光明使者
文章: 758
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2011-03-08
好期待 好興份!^^"
2002-12-31 05:03 AM
等級: 法老
威望: 2
文章: 36246
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2020-03-02
Because the expression Romanticism is a phenomenon of immense scope, embracing as it does, literature, politics, history, philosophy and the arts in general, there has never been much agreement and much confusion as to what the word means. It has, in fact, been used in so many different ways that some scholars have argued that the best thing we could do with the expression is to abandon it once and for all. However, the phenomenon of Romanticism would not become less complex by simply throwing away its label of convenience. Originally, Romanticism referred to the characteristics of romances, whose extravagance carried somewhat pejorative connotations. But in the 18th century the term came to designate a new kind of exotic landscape which evoked feelings of pleasant melancholy. The term Romantic as a designation for a school of literature opposed to the Classic was first used by the German critic Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von Schlegel (1772-1829) at the beginning of the 19th century. From Germany, this meaning was carried to England and France. Since no single figure or literary school displays all the characteristics considered to be "Romantic," any general definitions tend to be imprecise. In addition, these characteristics are often discerned in artists and cultural movements not usually so designated. They are not, in fact, the exclusive property of the Romantic period, but it is here that they are dominant and give identity to an era. The idea of man's natural goodness and the stress on emotion also contributed to the development of Romantic individualism, that is, the belief that what is special in a man is to be valued over what is representative (the latter often times connected with the conventions imposed on man by "civilized society." If a man may properly express his unique emotional self because its essence is good, he is also likely to assume also that its conflicts and corruptions are a matter of great import and a source of fascination to himself and others. So, the Romantic delights in self-analysis. Both William Wordsworth (in The Prelude) and Lord Byron (in Childe Harold's Pilgrimage), poets very different from one another, felt the need to write lengthy poems of self-dramatization. The self that Byron dramatized, a projection not identical with his own personality, was especially dear to the Romantic mind: the outcast wanderer, heroic by accursed, often on some desperate quest, in the tradition of Cain or the Flying Dutchman. S.T. Coleridge's Mariner and Herman Melville's Ahab are similar Romantic pilgrims. Searching for a fresh source of this spontaneous feeling, Wordsworth rejects the Neoclassic idea of the appropriate subject for serious verse and turns to the simplicities of rustic life "because in that condition the passions of men are incorporated with the beautiful and permanent forms of nature." That interaction with nature has for many of the Romantic poets mystical overtones. Nature is apprehended by them not only as an exemplar and source of vivid physical beauty but as a manifestation of spirit in the universe as well. In Tintern Abbey Wordsworth suggests that nature has gratified his physical being, excited his emotions, and ultimately allowed him "a sense sublime/Of something far more deeply interfused," of a spiritual force immanent not only in the forms of nature but "in the mind of man." Though not necessarily in the same terms, a similar connection between the world of nature and the world of the spirit is also made by Blake, Coleridge, Byron and Shelley. 背到快中風的貓奴.....
2002-12-31 08:37 AM
最愛: 粗粗茶茶淡淡飯飯
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 632
註冊時間: 2002-12-26
最近來訪: 2005-11-18