[主題] GC Russmania Constantine the Great
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等級: 精靈王
文章: 386
註冊時間: 2006-07-24
最近來訪: 2010-07-20

This is my boy from C-litter, Constantine, he granded himself in 2 rings in the HKCLS show in December last year.

Constantine is now 14 months of age and he is already more than 16 pounds (>7.5kg), the most substantially structured male from my breeding so far........

He's also the 3rd Best Norwegian Forest in the 2007-08 CFA International Division - Asia & Latin America.


附加檔案: 5_1098.jpg

最愛: 只愛短毛黑貓


等級: 大法師
威望: 3
文章: 4799
註冊時間: 2008-04-15
最近來訪: 2020-10-15
來自: 貓跑來跑去的地方

下面引用由russmania2008/06/08 00:19am 發表的內容:
This is my boy from C-litter, Constantine, he granded himself in 2 rings in the HKCLS show in December last year.
Constantine is now 14 months of age and he is already more than 16 pounds (>7.5k ...

It is hard to enjoy by only one pic.  Why not post more?
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