[主題] [求助]請問把貓咪從美國帶回來一定要隔離檢疫嗎?
發表人 內容
最愛: 鬆餅


等級: 光明使者
文章: 738
註冊時間: 2003-06-06
最近來訪: 2012-02-03

[這篇文章最後由miwo在 2005/03/27 03:02pm 編輯]

下面引用由miwo2005/03/26 12:26pm 發表的內容:




最愛: 鬆餅


等級: 光明使者
文章: 738
註冊時間: 2003-06-06
最近來訪: 2012-02-03

也謝謝貓友eliocamila, tiffaco ,2003,筱棻分享寶貴的訊息給我,


等級: 新手
文章: 8
註冊時間: 2005-03-26
最近來訪: 2008-12-12

下面引用由筱棻2005/03/26 11:18pm 發表的內容:
基本上從美國進台灣的動物都要檢疫,而且現在檢疫所的設備都不錯不像以前的人說的那麼可怕啦!雅夫不用檢疫那是因為日本不是狂犬病區,假設你說從美國轉日本在轉台灣就不需檢疫,那是錯的哦!美國是狂犬病區所以  ...

從美國到日本雖然一樣需要檢疫  但是不要到特定地方做隔離  只須"居家隔離"即可  然後定期會有衛生人員到府檢查動物

這是個從美國搬到日本的網友說的  她帶一隻貓咪過去日本

不好意思  我就是那個要從美國帶五隻貓回台灣的網友啦><  
我的貓如果要檢疫  將會是住在台大檢疫所  不知那邊的環境如何  非常擔心   貓貓們坐二十幾個小時的飛機已經夠辛苦了  還得在不認識的環境住上二十一天    我跟先生都十分擔心說><

等級: 風雲使者
文章: 430
註冊時間: 2005-01-03
最近來訪: 2005-09-21

下面引用由克萊兒夫人2005/03/30 00:13am 發表的內容:
從美國到日本雖然一樣需要檢疫  但是不要到特定地方做隔離  只須"居家隔離"即可  然後定期會有衛生人員到府檢查動物
這是個從美國搬到日本的網友說的  她帶一隻貓咪過去日本
不好意思  我就是那個要從  ...


等級: 新手
文章: 8
註冊時間: 2005-03-26
最近來訪: 2008-12-12

下面引用由miwo2005/03/27 02:58pm 發表的內容:

感謝台灣的網友這麼幫我  且還被人誤會  真是對不起了><  實在是不太會用這個論談  才託她的  


不過真的要非常嚴肅地聲名   我們都是愛貓愛動物的人  就如網友說的  我們只是想找個讓動物舒服的方式做隔離   我們絕對沒有要走漏洞  讓台灣受害  如果我這樣做了  ㄚ我回台灣幹嘛  找死嗎?  且在送往台灣之前    美國都會做好相關檢疫的  

如果台大的設備真是不錯  那我也不用擔心太多   雖然錢很貴   但要確保我的五隻貓貓都健康平安  那才是我要的  

若大家有更好的意見   請大家也提供給我   謝謝了^^
最愛: NANA


等級: 聖騎士
文章: 81
註冊時間: 2003-07-02
最近來訪: 2006-03-20


(一) 犬貓起運時間為2005年6月5日(含)以前,自狂犬病疫區輸入規定,請參見附件一。
(二) 犬貓起運時間為2005年6月5日(含)以前,自狂犬病非疫區輸入規定,請參見附件二。
(三) 犬貓起運時間為2005年6月6日以後,自狂犬病疫區輸入規定,請參見附件三。
(四) 犬貓起運時間為2005年6月6日以後,自狂犬病非疫區輸入規定,請參見附件四。
(一) 因國際疫情多變,有關輸出國之疫區與非疫區認定,請隨時注意本局網站(www.baphiq.gov.tw)公告。
(二) 已懷孕之犬貓,其起運時之懷孕週數必須在4週以下,始得輸入。
(三) 來自新加坡、馬來西亞、孟加拉或中國大陸(不含港澳地區)之犬貓禁止輸入。
(四) 輸入之犬貓運輸途中不得經由澳洲、新加坡、馬來西亞、孟加拉或中國大陸(不含港澳地區)等地轉運。
(五) 自澳洲輸入犬貓除符合狂犬病非疫區輸入相關規定外,另須提出亨德拉(Hendra)病毒血清中和試驗(SNT)檢查證明,檢查結果須為陰性。惟因澳大利亞於2004年12月出現馬匹感染亨德拉病毒案例,該國犬貓須於最後一個亨德拉病毒案例發生後經過三個月始可輸入,本局將另公告核准輸入時間。
(六) 犬貓自泰國輸入者,除應符合自狂犬病疫區輸入相關規定外,犬貓輸出前,應在泰國政府動物檢疫機構指定監督下之隔離檢疫設施內隔離檢疫至少21天,經檢查無任何疫病象徵,並施行家禽流行性感冒之疫病診斷試驗,其採樣時間與檢測方法如下:
1. 於輸出前14天採取犬貓之鼻腔拭子,以反轉錄聚合酵素連鎖反應法(reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction,RT-PCR)檢測呈H5型家禽流行性感冒病毒陰性。
2. 於輸出前7天採取犬貓血清,以血球凝集抑制試驗法(Haemagglutination inhibition,HI)檢測呈H5型家禽流行性感冒抗體陰性。
1. 申請書1份(格式如附件A-1)。
2. 輸出國獸醫師簽發之狂犬病不活化疫苗注射證明書影本,須以中文、英文或中英文並列方式註明犬貓之品種、性別、年齡、毛色(或晶片號碼)及狂犬病預防注射日期。
3. 申請人護照或身分證影本。
1. 犬貓之品種、性別、年齡、毛色(或晶片號碼)。
2. 狂犬病不活化疫苗預防注射日期。
1. 申請書1份(格式如附件A-1)。
2. 輸出國獸醫師簽發之狂犬病不活化疫苗注射證明書影本,須以中文、英文或中英文並列方式註明犬貓之品種、性別、年齡、毛色及晶片號碼(貓不強制要求)、狂犬病預防注射日期及使用疫苗種類。
3. 申請人護照或身分證影本。
1. 犬貓之品種、性別、年齡、毛色。
2. 狂犬病不活化疫苗預防注射日期。
3. 犬隻之晶片號碼。
4. 輸出國過去6個月未發生狂犬病病例。
5. 犬貓在輸出國出生或飼養6個月以上。
1. 自台灣輸出之「輸出動物檢疫證明書」影本。
2. 到達國之「輸入動物檢疫證明書」影本。
3. 申請人護照或身分證影本。
4. 輸入犬隻之寵物登記證影本。
1. 犬貓之品種、性別、年齡、毛色及狂犬病不活化疫苗預防注射日期。
2. 犬隻晶片號碼(貓隻未植入晶片者免填)。
3. 犬貓於抵達輸出國後未再進出第三國。
1. 初次免疫:於犬貓滿90日齡以上施打第1劑狂犬病不活化疫苗,且施打時間距起運當日應滿180天至1年以內。
2. 補強免疫:應於起運前1年內實施。
二、犬貓於預定起運前至少180天採取該犬貓血液樣本,送往世界動物衛生組織狂犬病參考實驗室或本局公告指定之實驗室(名單如附件C)檢測狂犬病中和抗體力價,且抗體力價須達0.5 IU/ml以上。
1. 申請書1份(格式如附件A-2)。
2. 輸出國獸醫師簽發之狂犬病不活化疫苗注射證明書影本,須以中文、英文或中英文並列方式註明犬貓之品種、性別、年齡及晶片號碼、狂犬病預防注射日期及使用疫苗種類,並註明初次免疫或補強免疫。
3. 狂犬病中和抗體力價檢測報告:輸出前180天至2年內所採取血液,經世界動物衛生組織狂犬病參考實驗室或指定之實驗室檢測,且抗體力價需達0.5 IU/ml以上。
4. 申請人護照或身分證影本。
1. 犬貓之品種、性別、年齡及晶片號碼。
2. 狂犬病不活化疫苗預防注射日期,並敘明初次免疫或補強免疫。
3. 犬貓經檢查無狂犬病臨床症狀。
4. 犬貓於輸出前180天至2年內所採取血液,經世界動物衛生組織狂犬病參考實驗室或行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局指定之實驗室檢測狂犬病中和抗體力價在0.5 IU/ml以上。
六、狂犬病疫區輸入之犬貓,經查驗該動物與輸出國政府動物檢疫機構簽發之動物檢疫證明書內容相符後,須送往指定隔離檢疫場所實施21天隔離檢疫。惟必要時得延長隔離期間,且得採血複檢犬貓之狂犬病抗體力價,其抗體檢測值未達0.5 IU/ml以上者,應補強注射狂犬病疫苗一劑。
1. 申請書1份(格式如附件A-2)。
2. 輸出國獸醫師簽發之狂犬病不活化疫苗注射證明書影本,須以中文、英文或中英文並列方式註明犬貓之品種、性別、年齡及晶片號碼、狂犬病預防注射日期及使用疫苗種類,並註明初次免疫或補強免疫。
3. 申請人護照或身分證影本。
1. 犬貓之品種、性別、年齡與晶片號碼。
2. 狂犬病不活化疫苗預防注射日期,並敘明初次免疫或補強免疫。
3. 犬貓經檢查無狂犬病臨床症狀。
4. 輸出國過去2年未發生狂犬病病例。
5. 犬貓於輸出前6個月或自出生後均飼養於輸出國。
1. 自台灣輸出之「輸出動物檢疫證明書」影本。
2. 申請人護照或身分證影本。
3. 輸入犬隻之寵物登記證影本。
1. 犬貓之品種、性別、年齡及狂犬病不活化疫苗預防注射日期。
2. 犬貓晶片號碼。
3. 犬貓於抵達輸出國後未再進出第三國。
Application Form for Dog/Cat Import Permit (for shipment before June 5, 2005)
畜主姓名Owner’s name:
E-mail address:
台灣聯絡人姓名Taiwan contact person’s name:
收取進口同意文件方式The way of import permit received:
犬貓輸出國Export Country:
預定輸入日期Scheduled Date of import:
頭Heads  貓Cat:
頭Heads  犬隻晶片號碼,非疫區必須註明Micro chip No. of dog, Necessary from rabies-free countries:
檢附下列文件Enclosed the following documents:
畜主之護照或身份證影本。A copy of the owner’s passport or ID
輸出國動物醫院或政府動物檢疫機構簽發狂犬病預防注射證明書影本。A copy of Rabies vaccination certificate issued by the animal hospital or the official veterinarian of the exporting country.
註:為了您的方便,台端可以郵寄、傳真、電子信件向防檢局新竹分局或高雄分局機場檢疫站申請進口同意文件。For your convenience, please send all documents by mail, or fax, or e-mail to Hsinchu branch or Kaohsiung Airport Inspection Station of Kaohsiung Branch to apply an import permit.
犬貓自狂犬病疫區輸入,請選擇隔離檢疫場所Please pick the premises for pet’s quarantine which pets from rabies infected countries only:
國立台灣大學生農院附設動物醫院(限自中正機場輸入且畜主居住新竹以北者)National Taiwan University (Only for entering via CKS airport and the owner lives in northern cities)
國立中興大學獸醫學院附設獸醫教學醫院(限自中正機場輸入)National Chung Hsing University (Only for entering via CKS airport)
屏東科技大學附設動物醫院(限自高雄機場輸入)National Pingtung University(Only for entering via Kaohsiung airport)
Application Form for Dog/Cat Import Permit ( for shipment after June 6, 2005)
畜主姓名Owner’s name:
E-mail address:
台灣聯絡人姓名Taiwan contact person’s name:
收取進口同意文件方式The way of import permit received:
犬貓輸出國Export Country:
預定輸入日期Scheduled Date of import:
頭Heads  貓Cat:
頭Heads  晶片號碼Micro chip No:
檢附下列文件Enclosed the following documents:
畜主之護照或身份證影本。A copy of the owner’s passport or ID
輸出國動物醫院或政府動物檢疫機構簽發狂犬病預防注射證明書影本。A copy of Rabies vaccination certificate issued from the animal hospital or the official veterinarian of the exporting country
狂犬病中和抗體力價檢測報告Report of neutralization antibody titration test for rabies antibody(自狂犬病疫區輸入者dogs or cats from rabies infected countries only)
註:為了您的方便,台端可以郵寄、傳真、電子信件向防檢局新竹分局或高雄分局機場檢疫站申請進口同意文件。For your convenience, please send all documents by mail, or fax, or e-mail to Hsinchu branch or Kaohsiung Airport Inspection Station of Kaohsiung Branch to apply an import permit.
犬貓自狂犬病疫區輸入,請選擇隔離檢疫場所Please pick the premises for pet’s quarantine which pets from rabies infected countries only:
國立台灣大學生農院附設動物醫院(限自中正機場輸入且畜主居住新竹以北者)National Taiwan University (Only for entering via CKS airport and the owner lives in northern cities)
國立中興大學獸醫學院附設獸醫教學醫院(限自中正機場輸入)National Chung Hsing University (Only for entering via CKS airport)
屏東科技大學附設動物醫院(限自高雄機場輸入)National Pingtung University(Only for entering via Kaohsiung airport)
9/10 附件C
Rabies Neutralization Antibody Testing Laboratories Designated by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine for the Importation of Dogs and Cats into Taiwan (February 22, 2005)
(Name of Laboratory and Country) 聯絡資料
(Contact information) CSIRO, Livestock Industries, Australian Animal Health Laboratory
Australia 地址(Address):Private Bag 24 (5 Portarlington Road), Geelong 3220, Australia
電話(TEL):(+61) 3 5227 5016
傳真(FAX):(+61) 3 5227 5555
網址(Web Site):www.csiro.au/pettest
電子郵件(E-mail):Deborah.Middleton@li.csiro.au Pasteur Institute,
Rabies Department
Belgium 地址(Address): 642, rue Engeland-straat, B-1180 Brussel, Belgium
電話(TEL):(+32)- 2-373.31.24
傳真(FAX):(+32)- 2-373.32.86
網址(Web Site):http://www.pasteur.be/anraguk4.htm
電子郵件(E-mail):rage@pasteur.be Laboratoire Departemental de la Sarthe
France 地址(Address):128 rue de Beauge, 72018 Le Mans Cedex 2
電話(TEL):(+33) 2 43 39 95 70
傳真(FAX):(+33) 2 43 39 95 80
電子郵件(E-mail):laboratoire@cg72.fr Agence Francaise de Securite Sanitaire des Aliments Nancy
France 地址(Address):Domaine de Pixerecourt, B.P. 9, 54220, Malzeville, France
電話(TEL):(+33) 3 83 29 89 50
傳真(FAX):(+33) 3 83 29 89 59
網址(Web Site):http://www.afssa.fr/
電子郵件(E-mail):f.cliquet@afssa.fr Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e Molise “G. Caporale” 地址(Address):Via Campo Boario, 64100, Teramo, Italy
電話(TEL):(+39) 0861 3321
傳真(FAX):(+39) 0861 332251
Italy 電子郵件(E-mail):g.savini@izs.it Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale, delle Regioni Lazio e Toscana
地址(Address):Via Appia Nuova 1411, 00178 Roma/Capannelle, Italy
電話(TEL):(+39) 06 79099449
傳真(FAX):(+39) 06 79340724
電子郵件(E-mail):tscicluna@rm.izs.it, glautorino@rm.izs.it, gvulcano@rm.izs.it Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
Italy 地址(Address):Viale dell’Universita, 10, 35020 Legnaro(PD), Italy
電話(TEL):(+39) 049.8084 259
傳真(FAX):(+39) 049.8084 258
網址(Web Site):http://www.izsve.it/
電子郵件(E-mail):fmutinelli@izsvenezie.it University of Berne, Institute of Veterinary Virology, Swiss Rabies Center
Switzerland 地址(Address):Laenggass-Strasse 122, CH-3012 Berne
電話(TEL): (+41) 31 631 23 78
傳真(FAX): (+41) 31 631 25 34
網址(Web Site):http://www.cx.unibe.ch/ivv/Swiss_Rabies_Center/swiss_rabies_center.html
電子郵件(E-mail):zanoni@ivv.unibe.ch Veterinary Laboratories Agency
U. K. 地址(Address):Veterinary Laboratories Agency, VLA, Weybridge, New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 3NB, UK
電話(TEL):(+44) 1932 35 7345
傳真(FAX):(+44) 1932 35 9519
網址(Web Site):http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/vla/servtovet/servtovet-pets02.htm
電子郵件(E-mail):lab.testing@vla.defra.gsi.gov.uk Rabies Laboratory
Kansas State University
U. S. 地址(Address):1800 Denison Avenue, Mosier Hall Manhattan, Kansas 66506-5601
電話(TEL):(+1) 785 532 4483
傳真(FAX):(+1) 785 532 4474
網址(Web Site):http://www.vet.k-state.edu/depts/rabies/

Quarantine Rules for the Importation of Dogs or Cats into Taiwan
Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine (February 18, 2005)
(In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese text and the English translation thereof, the Chinese text shall govern.)
In order to reinforce the quarantine measures for the importation of dogs and cats into Taiwan, this Bureau has promulgated the amendment of Rules for the Importation of Dogs or Cats into Taiwan on February 18, 2005. The new regulations become effective on June 6, 2005. Dogs or cats shipped into Taiwan on and after June 6, 2005 shall be in compliance with the new regulation. For owners intending to ship their dogs or cats into Taiwan recently, please make sure the epidemiological situation of the exporting country and the shipping time, and then proceed the application according to this quarantine instruction.
1. Rabies-free country and Rabies-infected countries: According to the latest promulgation of Council of Agriculture, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Sweden, Iceland, and Japan are recognized as Rabies-free countries. For countries not recognized as Rabies-free countries are recognized as Rabies-infected countries.
2. Date of shipment and the related regulations:
(1) Dogs or cats to be shipped before June 5, 2005 (including June 5, 2005) from rabies-infected countries:Please refer to Attachment 1.
(2) Dogs or cats to be shipped before June 5, 2005 (including June 5, 2005) from rabies-free countries:Please refer to Attachment 2.
(3) Dogs or cats to be shipped after June 6, 2005 from rabies-infected countries:Please refer to Attachment 3.
(4) Dogs or cats to be shipped after June 6, 2005 from rabies-free countries:Please refer to Attachment 4.
3. Other regulations:
(1) Due to the change of epidemiological situation of exporting countries, please be advised to access the latest information on list of disease-free countries through the web site of this Bureau(www.baphiq.gov.tw).
(2) The pregnant dog or cat to be imported will be allowed entry only when the pregnancy is under 4 weeks at the time of shipment.
(3) Dogs or cats from Singapore, Malaysia, Bangladesh, and China (not include Hong Kong and Macao) are not allowed to be imported into Taiwan.
(4) Dogs or cats shall not be transshipped through Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Bangladesh or China (not include Hong Kong and Macao).
(5) Dogs or cats imported from Australia shall be in compliance with the regulation of importing from rabies-free country. They should be further subject to serum neutralization test against Hendra virus with negative result. Since cases of horse infected with Hendra virus have been reported in Australia in December 2004, the importation of dogs or cats from Australia is temporarily suspended. The
importation will become eligible three months after the occurrence of last case of Hendra virus infection. This Bureau will promulgate the date of lifting the ban.
(6) Dogs or cats imported from Thailand shall be in compliance with the regulation of importing from rabies-infected country and the following quarantine requirements:
(A) The dogs and cats shall be detained for pre-export quarantine in an approved isolated quarantine premises under the supervision of the animal quarantine authorities of Thailand government for at least 21 days prior to shipment. During the pre-export quarantine, the dogs and cats shall be inspected and found free from clinical evidence of any communicable disease and be subject to the following avian influenza tests with the designated time and method: (i) (ii)
Nasal swab samples from dogs and cats shall be taken on 14 days prior to export, and be tested by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test for H5 subtype virus with negative results.
Sera samples from dogs and cats shall be taken on 7days prior to export, and be tested by Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test for antibody against H5 subtype virus with negative results.
(B) The original veterinary certificate in English issued by the animal quarantine authorities of Thailand government should attest additionally the beginning and end dates of pre-export quarantine, dates of samples collection for avian influenza diagnostic tests, test methods, subtype avian influenza virus being tested, dates of tests and test results
Attachment 1
Dogs or cats to be shipped before June 5, 2005 (including June 5, 2005) from rabies-infected countries
1. 2. 3. 4.
The dog or cat to be imported shall have been vaccinated with inactivated vaccines against rabies when at the age of at least 90 days old; and the period between the day of vaccination and the day of shipment shall be no less than 30 days and no more than one year.
The importer shall apply for an import permit and make reservation of the post-entry quarantine space from Hsinchu Branch or Kaohsiung Airport Inspection Station of Kaohsiung Branch (contact information, attachment B), at least 14 days prior to shipment by submitting the following documents:
(1) Application (Application form, attachment A-1)
(2) Rabies vaccination certificate issued by a veterinarian of exporting country. The rabies vaccination certificate should be in Chinese, English or bilingual and state the breed, sex, age, color (or chip number) and any identifiable characteristics, and date of rabies vaccination of the dogs or cats.
(3) A copy of passport or identification card of the importer.
The importer shall apply to the animal quarantine authority of exporting country for an veterinary certificate, the veterinary certificate shall be in Chinese, English or bilingual language and include the following information:
(1) Breed, sex, age, and color (or chip number) of the dog or cat.
(2) Date of the vaccination against rabies.
On arrival of the dog or cat at the port of entry, the importer shall apply to the animal quarantine authority for quarantine inspection and submit the import permit, original veterinary certificate issued by the animal quarantine authority of exporting country, bill of lading or custom declaration form. The dog or cat without an original veterinary certificate issued by the animal quarantine authority of exporting country shall be re-exported or destroyed. 5. 6.
When conducting quarantine inspection of the dog or cat imported from rabies-infected countries, animal quarantine authority at the port of entry shall check the veterinary certificate and detain the dog or cat at the designated post-entry quarantine premise for 21 days. The period of detention in quarantine may be extended when the quarantine officer deems necessary.
Please be advised that if any incompliance is found in the statement of the certificate, the dogs or cats will be re-exported, destroyed or detained for extended period.
Attachment 2
Dogs or cats to be shipped before June 5, 2005 (including June 5, 2005) from rabies-free countries
1. 2. 3. 4.
The dog or cat to be imported shall have been vaccinated with inactivated vaccines against rabies when at the age of at least 90 days old; and the period between the day of vaccination and the day of shipment shall be no less than 30 days and no more than one year. The dog shall have been microchipped.
The importer shall apply for an import permit from Hsinchu Branch or Kaohsiung Airport Inspection Station of Kaohsiung Branch (contact information, attachment B), at least 14 days prior to shipment by submitting the following documents:
(1) Application (Application form, attachment A-1)
(2) Rabies vaccination certificate issued by a veterinarian of exporting country. The rabies vaccination certificate should be in Chinese, English or bilingual and state the breed, sex, age, color (or chip number) and any identifiable characteristics, and date of rabies vaccination of the dogs or cats.
(3) A copy of passport or identification card of the importer.
The importer shall apply to the animal quarantine authority of exporting country for an veterinary certificate, the veterinary certificate shall be in Chinese, English or bilingual language and include the following information:
(1) Breed, sex, age, and color of the dog or cat.
(2) Date of the vaccination against rabies.
(3) Microchip number of the dog.
(4) No case of rabies reported in the exporting country for the past 6 months.
(5) The dog or cat has been raised in the exporting country continuously for at least 6 months prior to shipment or since birth.
On arrival of the dog or cat at the port of entry, the importer shall apply to the animal quarantine authority for quarantine inspection and submit the import permit, original veterinary certificate issued by the animal quarantine authority of exporting country, bill of lading or custom declaration form. The dog or cat without an original veterinary certificate issued by the animal quarantine authority of exporting country shall be re-exported or destroyed. 5. 6.
When conducting quarantine inspection of the dog or cat imported from rabies-free countries, animal quarantine authority at the port of entry shall check the veterinary certificate. If the veterinary certificate is found in compliance with regulations and the dog or cat is confirmed free from clinical evidence of any communicable animal disease, the animal quarantine authority will issue import veterinary certificate and release the dog or cat.
If the dog or cat is transshipped through rabies-infected countries, it shall be re-exported,
(1) A copy of export veterinary certificate issued by animal quarantine authority indicating export from Taiwan.
(2) A copy of import veterinary certificate issued by animal quarantine authority at the port of entry.
(3) A copy of passport or identification card of the importer.
(4) The I.D. for registered pet of the dog (in the case of re-importing dog).
destroyed or detained at the designated post-entry quarantine premise for 21 days. 7.
For the dog or cat that has been exported from Taiwan to rabies-free countries for less than 6 months to be re-imported, the importer shall apply for an import permit and submit an application with the following documents to Hsinchu Branch or Kaohsiung Airport Inspection Station of Kaohsiung Branch (contact information, attachment B):
The importer shall apply for quarantine inspection on arrival of the dog or cat. The veterinary certificate accompanied with the re-imported dog or cat shall be shall be in Chinese, English or bilingual language and include the following information:
(1) Breed, sex, age, and color of the dog or cat, and date of the vaccination against rabies.
(2) Microchip number of the dog.
(3) The dog (cat) has not been to the third country since it arrived in this country.
If the re-imported dog or cat without an import permit or the information of the veterinary certificate is not in compliance with the regulation, the dog/cat shall be regarded as importing from rabies-infected country and be detained at designated quarantine premise.
Attachment 3
Dogs or cats to be shipped after June 6, 2005 from rabies-infected countries
1. 2. 3. 4.
The dog or cat to be imported shall have been implanted microchip and be vaccinated against rabies, in the case of a primary vaccination, at the age of at least 90 days old, and the period between the day of vaccination and the day of shipment shall be no less than 180 days and no more than one year. In the case of a booster vaccination, the animal shall have been vaccinated no more than one year prior to shipment.
At least 180 days prior to shipment, blood sample of dogs or cats to be imported shall be taken and sent to the designated laboratory (list of designated laboratories by this Bureau is as attachment C) for neutralization antibody titration test for rabies antibody which shall be at least 0.5IU/ml.
The importer shall apply for an import permit and make reservation of the post-entry quarantine space from Hsinchu Branch or Kaohsiung Airport Inspection Station of Kaohsiung Branch (contact information, attachment B), at least 30 days prior to shipment by submitting the following documents:
(1) Application (Application form, attachment A-2)
(2) Rabies vaccination certificate issued by a veterinarian of exporting country and certifying vaccination by inactivated vaccines. The rabies vaccination certificate shall be in Chinese, English or bilingual and state the breed, sex, age, microchip number, date of rabies vaccination, and whether the vaccination was primary or a booster.
(3) Report of neutralization antibody titration test for rabies antibody which shall be at least 0.5IU/ml and tested by rabies reference laboratories of the World Organization for Animal Health or laboratories designated by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine with the blood sampling date no less than 180 days and no more than 2 years prior to shipment.
(4) A copy of passport or identification card of the importer.
The importer shall apply to the animal quarantine authority of exporting country for a veterinary certificate, the veterinary certificate shall be in Chinese, English or bilingual and include the following information:
(1) Breed, sex, age, and microchip number of the dog or cat.
(2) Date of vaccination against rabies with inactivated vaccine, and whether the vaccination was primary or a booster.
(3) No clinical sign of rabies shown upon inspection of the dog or cat.
(4) At least 0.5 IU/ml rabies antibody in the blood of the dog or cat sampled no less than 180 days and no more than 2 years prior to shipment for a neutralization antibody titration test which shall be carried out by rabies reference laboratories of
the World Organization for Animal Health or laboratories designated by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine. 5.
On arrival of the dog or cat at the port of entry, the importer shall apply to the animal quarantine authority for quarantine inspection and submit the import permit, original veterinary certificate issued by the animal quarantine authority of exporting country, bill of lading or customs declaration form (or B/L). The dog or cat without an original veterinary certificate issued by the animal quarantine authority of exporting country shall be re-exported or destroyed. 6. 7.
When conducting quarantine inspection of the dog or cat imported from rabies-infected countries, animal quarantine authority at the port of entry shall check the veterinary certificate and detain the dog or cat at the designated post-entry quarantine premise for 21 days. During quarantine detention, the blood of the dog or cat may be sampled and tested again for rabies antibody. If the rabies antibody is under 0.5 IU/ml, the dog or cat shall be revaccinated with inactivated rabies vaccine.
Please be advised that if any incompliance is found in the statement of the certificate, the dogs or cats will be re-exported, destroyed or detained at the designated post-entry quarantine premise for 180 days.
Attachment 4
Dogs or cats to be shipped after June 6, 2005 from rabies-free countries
1. 2. 3. 4.
The dog or cat to be imported shall have been implanted microchip and vaccinated against rabies when at the age of at least 90 days old; and the period between the day of vaccination and the day of shipment shall be no less than 30 days and no more than one year.
The importer shall apply for an import permit from Hsinchu Branch or Kaohsiung Airport Inspection Station of Kaohsiung Branch (contact information, attachment B), at least 30 days prior to shipment by submitting the following documents:
(1) Application (Application form, attachment A-2)
(2) Rabies vaccination certificate issued by a veterinarian of exporting country and certifying vaccination by inactivated vaccines. The rabies vaccination certificate shall be in Chinese, English or bilingual and state the breed, sex, age, microchip number, date of rabies vaccination, and whether the vaccination was primary or a booster.
(3) A copy of passport or identification card of the importer.
(1) Breed, sex, age, and microchip number of the dog or cat.
(2) Date of vaccination against rabies with inactivated vaccine.
(3) No clinical sign of rabies shown upon inspection of the dog or cat.
(4) No case of rabies reported in the exporting country for the past 2 years.
(5) The dog or cat has been raised in the exporting country continuously for at least 6 months prior to shipment or since birth.
The importer shall apply to the animal quarantine authority of exporting country for an veterinary certificate, the veterinary certificate shall be in Chinese, English or bilingual and include the following information:
On arrival of the dog or cat at the port of entry, the importer shall apply to the animal quarantine authority for quarantine inspection and submit the import permit, original veterinary certificate issued by the animal quarantine authority of exporting country, bill of lading or customs declaration form(or B/L). The dog or cat without an original veterinary certificate issued by the animal quarantine authority of exporting country shall be re-exported or destroyed. 5. 6. 7.
When conducting quarantine inspection of the dog or cat imported from rabies-free countries, animal quarantine authority at the port of entry shall check the veterinary certificate. If it is found in compliance with regulations and the dog or cat is confirmed free from clinical evidence of any communicable animal disease, the animal quarantine authority will issue import veterinary certificate and release the dog or cat.
Please be advised that if any incompliance is found in the statement of the certificate, the dogs or cats will be re-exported, destroyed or detained at the designated post-entry quarantine premise for at least 21 days.
For the dog or cat that has been exported from Taiwan to rabies-free countries for less
than 6 months to be re-imported, the importer shall apply for an import permit and submit an application with the following documents to Hsinchu Branch or Kaohsiung Airport Inspection Station of Kaohsiung Branch (contact information, attachment B):
(1) A copy of export veterinary certificate issued from the Branch of Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine.
(2) A copy of passport or identification card of the importer.
(3) The I.D. for registered pet of the dog (in the case of re-importing dog).
The importer shall apply for quarantine inspection on arrival of the dog or cat. The veterinary certificate accompanied with the re-imported dog or cat shall be shall be in Chinese, English or bilingual and include statement the following information:
(1) Breed, sex, age, and color of the dog or cat, and date of the vaccination against rabies.
(2) Microchip number of the dog.
(3) The dog (cat) has not been to the third country since it arrived in this country.
If the re-imported dog or cat without an import permit or the information of the veterinary certificate is not in compliance with the regulation, the dog or cat shall be re-exported, destroyed or detained at the designated post-entry quarantine premise for 21 days.
Attachment A-1
Application Form for Dog/Cat Import Permit (for shipment before June 5, 2005)
畜主姓名Owner’s name:
E-mail address:
台灣聯絡人姓名Taiwan contact person’s name:
收取進口同意文件方式The way of import permit received:
犬貓輸出國Export Country:
預定輸入日期Scheduled Date of import:
頭Heads  貓Cat:
頭Heads  犬隻晶片號碼,非疫區必須註明Micro chip No. of dog, Necessary from rabies-free countries:
檢附下列文件Enclosed the following documents:
畜主之護照或身份證影本。A copy of the owner’s passport or ID
輸出國動物醫院或政府動物檢疫機構簽發狂犬病預防注射證明書影本。A copy of Rabies vaccination certificate issued by the animal hospital or the official veterinarian of the exporting country.
註:為了您的方便,台端可以郵寄、傳真、電子信件向防檢局新竹分局或高雄分局機場檢疫站申請進口同意文件。For your convenience, please send all documents by mail, or fax, or e-mail to Hsinchu branch or Kaohsiung Airport Inspection Station of Kaohsiung Branch to apply an import permit.
犬貓自狂犬病疫區輸入,請選擇隔離檢疫場所Please pick the premises for pet’s quarantine which pets from rabies infected countries only:
國立台灣大學生農院附設動物醫院(限自中正機場輸入且畜主居住新竹以北者)National Taiwan University (Only for entering via CKS airport and the owner lives in northern cities)
國立中興大學獸醫學院附設獸醫教學醫院(限自中正機場輸入)National Chung Hsing University (Only for entering via CKS airport)
屏東科技大學附設動物醫院(限自高雄機場輸入)National Pingtung University(Only for entering via Kaohsiung airport)
Attachment A-2
Application Form for Dog/Cat Import Permit (for shipment after June 6, 2005)
畜主姓名Owner’s name:
E-mail address:
台灣聯絡人姓名Taiwan contact person’s name:
收取進口同意文件方式The way of import permit received:
犬貓輸出國Export Country:
預定輸入日期Scheduled Date of import:
頭Heads  貓Cat:
頭Heads  晶片號碼Micro chip No:
檢附下列文件Enclosed the following documents:
畜主之護照或身份證影本。A copy of the owner’s passport or ID
輸出國動物醫院或政府動物檢疫機構簽發狂犬病預防注射證明書影本。A copy of Rabies vaccination certificate issued from the animal hospital or the official veterinarian of the exporting country
狂犬病中和抗體力價檢測報告Report of neutralization antibody titration test for rabies antibody(自狂犬病疫區輸入者dogs or cats from rabies infected countries only)
註:為了您的方便,台端可以郵寄、傳真、電子信件向防檢局新竹分局或高雄分局機場檢疫站申請進口同意文件。For your convenience, please send all documents by mail, or fax, or e-mail to Hsinchu branch or Kaohsiung Airport Inspection Station of Kaohsiung Branch to apply an import permit.
犬貓自狂犬病疫區輸入,請選擇隔離檢疫場所Please pick the premises for pet’s quarantine which pets from rabies infected countries only:
國立台灣大學生農院附設動物醫院(限自中正機場輸入且畜主居住新竹以北者)National Taiwan University (Only for entering via CKS airport and the owner lives in northern cities)
國立中興大學獸醫學院附設獸醫教學醫院(限自中正機場輸入)National Chung Hsing University (Only for entering via CKS airport)
屏東科技大學附設動物醫院(限自高雄機場輸入)National Pingtung University(Only for entering via Kaohsiung airport)
Attachment B
Import permit to be obtained from:
For your convenience, please send all documents by mail, fax, or e-mail to the following animal quarantine authority for an import permit application.
A. Imported via CKS airport:
Hsinchu Branch, Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine.
Tel No.: 03-3982431
Fax No.: 03-3982313
E-mail: hc04@mail.hcbaphiq.gov.tw
B. Imported via Kaohsiung airport:
Kaohsiung Airport Inspection Station, Kaohsiung Branch, Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine
Tel No.: 07-8057790
Fax No.:07-8068427
E-mail: kh0701@mail.khbaphiq.gov.tw
Designated quarantine premises:
Imported via CKS airport and applicant lives in Northern Taiwan:
National Taiwan University Veterinary Hospital
Address:No.153, Section 3, Keelung Road, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel. No.:886-2-27335891
Imported via CKS airport and applicant lives in Middle Taiwan:
Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the National Chung Hsing University
Address:No.250, Kaokwang Road, Taichung City, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel. No.:886-4-22870180
Imported via Kaohsiung airport:
Animal Medical Teaching Hospital of the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Tel No.: 07-8057790
Attachment C
Rabies Neutralization Antibody Testing Laboratories Designated by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine for the Importation of Dogs and Cats into Taiwan (February 22, 2005)
(Name of Laboratory and Country) 聯絡資料
(Contact information) CSIRO, Livestock Industries, Australian Animal Health Laboratory
Australia 地址(Address):Private Bag 24 (5 Portarlington Road), Geelong 3220, Australia
電話(TEL):(+61) 3 5227 5016
傳真(FAX):(+61) 3 5227 5555
網址(Web Site):www.csiro.au/pettest
電子郵件(E-mail):Deborah.Middleton@li.csiro.au Pasteur Institute,
Rabies Department
Belgium 地址(Address): 642, rue Engeland-straat, B-1180 Brussel, Belgium
電話(TEL):(+32)- 2-373.31.24
傳真(FAX):(+32)- 2-373.32.86
網址(Web Site):http://www.pasteur.be/anraguk4.htm
電子郵件(E-mail):rage@pasteur.be Laboratoire Departemental de la Sarthe
France 地址(Address):128 rue de Beauge, 72018 Le Mans Cedex 2
電話(TEL):(+33) 2 43 39 95 70
傳真(FAX):(+33) 2 43 39 95 80
電子郵件(E-mail):laboratoire@cg72.fr Agence Francaise de Securite Sanitaire des Aliments Nancy
France 地址(Address):Domaine de Pixerecourt, B.P. 9, 54220, Malzeville, France
電話(TEL):(+33) 3 83 29 89 50
傳真(FAX):(+33) 3 83 29 89 59
網址(Web Site):http://www.afssa.fr/
電子郵件(E-mail):f.cliquet@afssa.fr Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e Molise “G. Caporale” 地址(Address):Via Campo Boario, 64100, Teramo, Italy
電話(TEL):(+39) 0861 3321
傳真(FAX):(+39) 0861 332251
Italy 電子郵件(E-mail):g.savini@izs.it Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale, delle Regioni Lazio e Toscana
Italy 地址(Address):Via Appia Nuova 1411, 00178 Roma/Capannelle, Italy
電話(TEL):(+39) 06 79099449
傳真(FAX):(+39) 06 79340724
電子郵件(E-mail):tscicluna@rm.izs.it, glautorino@rm.izs.it, gvulcano@rm.izs.it Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
Italy 地址(Address):Viale dell’Universita, 10, 35020 Legnaro(PD), Italy
電話(TEL):(+39) 049.8084 259
傳真(FAX):(+39) 049.8084 258
網址(Web Site):http://www.izsve.it/
電子郵件(E-mail):fmutinelli@izsvenezie.it University of Berne, Institute of Veterinary Virology, Swiss Rabies Center
Switzerland 地址(Address):Laenggass-Strasse 122, CH-3012 Berne
電話(TEL): (+41) 31 631 23 78
傳真(FAX): (+41) 31 631 25 34
網址(Web Site):http://www.cx.unibe.ch/ivv/Swiss_Rabies_Center/swiss_rabies_center.html
電子郵件(E-mail):zanoni@ivv.unibe.ch Veterinary Laboratories Agency
U. K. 地址(Address):Veterinary Laboratories Agency, VLA, Weybridge, New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 3NB, UK
電話(TEL):(+44) 1932 35 7345
傳真(FAX):(+44) 1932 35 9519
網址(Web Site):http://www.defra.gov.uk/corporate/vla/servtovet/servtovet-pets02.htm
電子郵件(E-mail):lab.testing@vla.defra.gsi.gov.uk Rabies Laboratory
Kansas State University
U. S. 地址(Address):1800 Denison Avenue, Mosier Hall Manhattan, Kansas 66506-5601
電話(TEL):(+1) 785 532 4483
傳真(FAX):(+1) 785 532 4474
網址(Web Site):http://www.vet.k-state.edu/depts/rabies/
最愛: 咪咪.嘟嘟.咚咚.喡喡

等級: 騎士
文章: 65
註冊時間: 2004-07-24
最近來訪: 2014-04-21

先搭3個多小時到 LA 轉機....休息一下等轉機...
全程 24 左右...

進檢役所的 21 天雖然真的很不捨...
COOL ~~~

等級: 聖騎士
文章: 124
註冊時間: 2005-03-26
最近來訪: 2009-06-28

下面引用由克萊兒夫人2005/03/30 00:13am 發表的內容:
從美國到日本雖然一樣需要檢疫  但是不要到特定地方做隔離  只須"居家隔離"即可  然後定期會有衛生人員到府檢查動物
這是個從美國搬到日本的網友說的  她帶一隻貓咪過去日本
不好意思  我就是那個要從  ...

最愛: QQ


等級: 聖騎士
文章: 109
註冊時間: 2005-03-09
最近來訪: 2011-12-28


SAD ><"
最愛: 小卡、豆豆、小咪


等級: 修羅王
威望: 4
文章: 174026
註冊時間: 2003-04-14
最近來訪: 2012-04-08

下面引用由cutenewnew2005/03/30 04:42pm 發表的內容:

最愛: Cannabis


等級: 精靈使
文章: 2870
註冊時間: 2004-05-09
最近來訪: 2010-10-09

[這篇文章最後由cannabis在 2005/03/30 05:52pm 編輯]

1. 初次免疫:於犬貓滿90日齡以上施打第1劑狂犬病不活化疫苗,且施打時間距起運當日應滿180天至1年以內。
2. 補強免疫:應於起運前1年內實施。
二、犬貓於預定起運前至少180天採取該犬貓血液樣本,送往世界動物衛生組織狂犬病參考實驗室或本局公告指定之實驗室(名單如附件C)檢測狂犬病中和抗體力價,且抗體力價須達0.5 IU/ml以上。



好吧  我準備好跟大麻貓說再見了


最愛: Cannabis


等級: 精靈使
文章: 2870
註冊時間: 2004-05-09
最近來訪: 2010-10-09

[這篇文章最後由cannabis在 2005/03/30 06:14pm 編輯]



最愛: Cannabis


等級: 精靈使
文章: 2870
註冊時間: 2004-05-09
最近來訪: 2010-10-09

不包括運送血清去美國的費用 還有獸醫院抽取血清的費用

很好 反正老娘什麼都沒有 最多就是錢


等級: 風雲使者
文章: 536
註冊時間: 2005-02-05
最近來訪: 2022-09-03

下面引用由kingyyr2005/03/30 12:10pm 發表的內容:
先搭3個多小時到 LA 轉機....休息一下等轉機...


等級: 新手
文章: 8
註冊時間: 2005-03-26
最近來訪: 2008-12-12

天ㄚ~~還要血液檢查??  真的是很強人所難ㄟ><  

還有ㄚ   從美國帶貓貓回台灣是搭那一家航空公司?  好像不是每家航空公司都可以帶動物說  且我看過網站   到達台灣的時間最好選白天到  不然晚上到的話  檢疫所早下班了  天ㄚ  真不方便  且所有檢查費用  住宿費  飛機票   我看我會破產><
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