票選活動 |
統計"傳染性腹膜炎"的發生率,有得過或沒得過的請來投票. |
有得過FIP,濕式,已經當天使. |
10% |
171 票 |
有得過FIP,濕式,治療痊癒或繼續治療. |
6% |
95 票 |
有得過FIP,乾式,已經當天使. |
3% |
51 票 |
有得過FIP,乾式,治療痊癒或繼續治療. |
5% |
79 票 |
沒有得過FIP或尚未發病. |
76% |
1260 票 |
總投票數 : 1656 |
每人最多 4 票 |
發表人 |
內容 |
2006-01-21 01:55 PM
最愛: 茄茄
等級: 新手
文章: 1
註冊時間: 2006-01-21
最近來訪: 2008-04-24
2006-01-21 02:37 PM
最愛: 肥啊∼肉包包
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 439
註冊時間: 2005-04-09
最近來訪: 2009-04-04
[這篇文章最後由whispery在 2006/01/21 03:44pm 編輯]
下面引用由我是mini媽在 2006/01/21 01:40am 發表的內容: 我家眸眸也是再4個月的時候 〝疑似〞傳染性腹膜炎+先天性腎臟病走的 我第一次知道這種病..整個人都呆了 眸哞是外面認養回來的小貓 ...
之前我跟妳有一樣的擔憂。 但一位「台西來的蒙古獸醫」c 大解決我心理的障礙. ---以下是cnlin6 大 的解釋--- (1) 如果你家原本的貓有感染過... 且有排毒的話... 那麼新貓進來... 如果沒有被感染過...就有可能會被感染... 如果早已被感染過...那麼還是有可能再被感染的... 大家相安無事的... 只是貓冠狀病毒在你家的貓群之中... 感染來感染去的...並不大礙... 但是如果原本新貓已有感染過...那你再捉他去點疫苗... 有點多此一舉...反而增加貓隻的緊迫...(maybe會誘發發病也說不定..) 如果把要去點鼻的錢..拿來檢測是否有感染過..那意義應該更大... (2) 如果他們都不出門... 只是二隻都有感染過冠狀病毒的貓在一起.. 或二隻跟本沒感染過的貓在一起... 基本上是不會發病的... 貓冠狀病毒的感染率很高... 但是會變成FIP的..是極少數的貓而已... 所以不要太過度擔心... ------------------------------------- 現在新舊貓都很健康 胖橘子食量驚人,力大如牛 所以也不用太害怕啦 <------------------------------------> 忘了說舊貓的狀況 KIT 陽性 PCR 陰性
2006-02-09 10:13 PM
等級: 法王
威望: 40
文章: 6184
註冊時間: 2002-12-31
最近來訪: 2015-07-29
各位都太強了.... 我就把2005年新版的ettinger獸醫內科聖經的原文摘錄出來提出來與大家共享. ============================================================================ TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF FELINE INFECTIOUS PERITONITIS Virtually every cat with confirmed FIP dies. Some veteri- narians prescribe immunomodulators (Propionobacterium acnes (immunoregulin), interferon, acemannan) to treat cats with FIP with no documented, controlled evidence of efficacy. Immunosuppressive drugs such as prednisone (4 mg/kg, orally once a day) or cyclophosphamide (2 to 4 mg/kg, orally four times a week) may slow disease progression but do not produce a cure. Cats with FIP should also be treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics and supportive therapy (subcutaneous fluids, rest, good nutrition, lack of stress) for as long as they are comfortable. Once disease signs become debilitating and weight and appetite decline, the owner must be prepared for the reality that their cat is dying. Unfortunately, preventing FIP is extremely difficult. Three prevention targets will be discussed: (1) preventing FIP in cats that were in contact with cats with FIP, (2) preventing FIP in cats harboring FECV, and (3) preventing FECV. After a cat in a household develops FIP, one can do virtually nothing to prevent FIP in other in-contact cats. All cats will have already been exposed to the same coronaviruses, although this is usually an FECV. Few healthy cats in the household will develop FIP, although the stress of being locked in a bathroom in the misguided attempt to prevent exposure would not help remaining cats fight infection. After a diagnosis of FIP, the probability of any other cat dying of FIP is no higher than in any other cattery with endemic FECV (which is all catteries). Exceptions exist to this rule. The first is full-sib littermates of cats with FIP, which have a 0.25 to 0.5 probability of dying of FIP as well. The second exception is during rare epidemics that may be associated with spread of FIP (in contrast to the typical scenario of spread of FECV and periodic mutations to FIP virus).3 This type of spread of FIP virus has not been documented in natural epidemics and is unlikely, because FIP lesions are not in epithelial surfaces where the virus could be shed. The second target is to prevent FIP in catteries with endemic FECV. This includes virtually all multiple-cat households, breeding catteries, shelters, foster homes, and other homes with more than five cats. Various tactics have been used. To be successful, they should focus on supporting cats' natural resistance to FIP virus phenotypes and reducing FECV challenge in these cats. In catteries, the major risk factor for FIP is the overall prevalence of FECV. Reducing the number of cats (especially kittens less than 12 months old) and keeping possibly FECV-contaminated surfaces clean can minimize population loads of FECV. Vaccination is supposed to help cats fight FIP but has not proven to do so. Often cats do not seroconvert after vaccination, and study results are mixed as to whether vaccination has no effect versus a small effect. Although marginally if at all efficacious, the vaccine is safe and does not induce antibody-dependent enhanced FIP. It is reasonable in breeding catteries to maximize heritable resistance to FIP. If a cat has two or more litters that develop FIP (at any age), then that cat should not be bred again. It would be rare for such a cat to have FIP, so it should be screened (complete blood count [CBC], serology, abdominal palpation, and possibly ultrasound). If no abnormalities are found, the animal should be neutered and placed for adoption. Particular attention should be paid to pedigrees of toms where FIP is over-represented. Because line breeding often uses valuable toms extensively, eliminating such toms may have a small but important effect on improving overall resistance. Concurrently with palliative efforts, cattery managers should use education and communication to minimize adverse effects of FIP on cat populations. For example, if a shelter has a reputation for having FIP, adoptions may be reduced and cats may be euthanized for space. Cattery managers should have written information sheets or contracts informing buyers or adopters about FECV and FIP. They should understand that FECV is unavoidable in multiple-cat environments and that FIP is an unavoidable consequence of endemic FECV. It is particularly important that cats associated with the cattery be diagnosed accurately. For example, cats from shelters may have moderately high FECV titers not due to FIP and yet be euthanized inappropriately because of a history of having been at a shelter. The last FIP-prevention scenario is to prevent or eliminate FECV, which is difficult. Isolation is not effective because of the ease with which FECV is transported on things such as clothes, shoes, dust, and cats' fur. As long as five or more cats live in a home, FECV infection maintains itself by infecting and reinfecting the same cats, whether or not the cats are separated. When the number of cats drops to five or fewer, it is much more difficult for the virus to sustain itself. If depopulation is possible, a chance exists that endemic FECV can be induced to become extinct in the cat population. It is important to determine whether any cats are chronic FECV carriers so that they can be removed. Forty to 60% of cats in large multiple cat environments shed virus in their feces at any given time. About 20% will shed virus persistently, whereas 20% will be immune and not shed virus. Repeated PCR testing of feces should be performed at weekly intervals for 2 months or more to document carriers: if the cats remain persistently PCR-positive more than 6 weeks, they should be placed for adoption (only in very small catteries attempting to eradicate FECV). Early weaning has been proposed as a means to interrupt transmission from adult cats to kittens. Unfortunately, queens may infect kittens as early as 5 to 6 weeks. This is prohibitively young to be removing kittens from the nurturing of the queen, particularly when the kittens likely will be exposed within a few weeks anyway. For early weaning to be effective, kittens should be taken to a new home (with no other cats) at 5 weeks of age. Even then, early weaning is not always successful. To conclude, management of FIP should be directed at minimizing the population impact and accurately diagnosing and supporting individually affected cats. Vaccination neither prevents FIP nor FECV; testing and removing is ineffective. Thus cattery managers have few effective management tools. However, veterinarians need to be knowledge- able regarding both successful and unsuccessful strategies to provide useful counsel to their clients with multiple-cat households. REFERENCES 1. Poland AM et al: Two related strains of feline infectious peritonitis virus isolated from immunocompromised cats infected with a feline enteric coronavirus, J Clin Microbiol 34:3180, 1996. Medline Similar articles 2. Vennema H et al: Feline infectious peritonitis viruses arise by mutation from endemic feline enteric coronaviruses, Virology 243:150, 1998. Medline Similar articles 3. Foley JE et al: Risk factors for feline infectious peritonitis among cats in multiple-cat environments with endemic feline enteric coronavirus, J Am Vet Med Assoc 210:1313, 1997. Medline Similar articles 4. Pedersen N: The history and interpretation of feline coronavirus serology, Fel Pract 23:46, 1995. Medline Similar articles 5. Loeffler DG et al: The incidence of naturally occurring antibodies against feline infectious peritonitis in selected cat populations, Fel Pract 8:43, 1978. Medline Similar articles 6. Barlough J: Cats, coronaviruses and coronavirus antibody tests, J Small Anim Pract 26:353, 1985. Medline Similar articles 7. Herrewegh APM et al: Detection of feline coronavirus RNA in feces, tissues, and body fluids of naturally infected cats by reverse transcriptase PCR, J Clin Microbiol 33:684, 1995. Medline Similar articles 8. Foley JE et al: Patterns of feline coronavirus infection and fecal shedding from cats in multiple-cat environments, J Am Vet Med Assoc 210:1307, 1997. Medline Similar articles 9. Peaston A et al: Evaluation of commercially available antibodies to cytokeratin, intermediate filaments and laminin in normal cat pinna, J Vet Diag Invest 4:306, 1992. Medline Similar articles
2006-02-27 03:07 PM
最愛: nono
等級: 俠客
文章: 21
註冊時間: 2005-11-29
最近來訪: 2010-02-01
我現在一共養了6隻喵,但五年前有一隻喵就是因為FIP走的....那時牠才一歲多一點.我是帶去一般的獸醫診所看病,治療了約2星期後,醫生跟我說喵喵很痛苦又無法治癒,建議我讓牠安樂死......我掙扎了好久,但剛養貓的我在沒有完整資訊與慌亂的情形下還是這麼做了............直到這個月我去台大動物醫院認識了蘇醫師,我好後悔當初沒帶牠來給蘇醫師看,不然也許我的小女兒到現在都還會跟牠的兄弟姐妹一樣陪伴在我身邊........... 如果你的貓真的得了FIP,不要輕易放棄.雖然這真是一種致死率很高,治癒率卻很低的病.但是多試一試不同的療法,起碼要盡力而為....不然,真的會像我一樣遺憾這麼多年........
2006-03-12 05:02 PM
最愛: POPO
等級: 俠客
文章: 31
註冊時間: 2006-03-12
最近來訪: 2007-08-06
我的貓得了現正在醫院治療中 好擔心他撐不過去
2006-03-12 05:03 PM
最愛: POPO
等級: 俠客
文章: 31
註冊時間: 2006-03-12
最近來訪: 2007-08-06
我的貓正在治療中 好希望他好起來快快出院
2006-03-13 01:36 PM
最愛: 六貓一狗
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 699
註冊時間: 2003-10-29
最近來訪: 2012-10-17
我家最小的寶貝-黑糖糕 今天早上診斷出可能為傳染性的腹膜炎 她的症狀為胸水 醫生幫他抽出來化驗的結果 傾向於腹膜炎 我們現在不知道要不要再將他送台大診斷 結果應該也是差不多 現在不知道該怎麼讓他比較舒適 還有 一些貓友說你家的寶貝也正在治療 或是已經痊癒的 可以分享嗎 醫生要我明天將家裡的寶貝們都帶去檢查 如果沒有感染到 就要接種疫苗 又 看到很多人都說沒有效果 不知道該不該接種?? 可以給我一些建議嗎 謝謝
2006-03-15 12:16 PM
等級: 新手
文章: 1
註冊時間: 2006-03-15
最近來訪: 2006-03-21
我家的miu miu上星期也診斷是"濕型的腹膜炎"原本他是一隻活潑好動的貓,結紮候原本以為因為痛不想吃,後來發現近食量真地少得離譜,但肚子大得不像話。原本的獸醫還說這是正常的,但他明顯的活動力差,不放心又帶她去另一家,做了FIP KIT,是兩條線(陽性)。 因為吃的太差,原本以為她胖,才發現那是腹水,他已經是皮包骨了。看他病奄奄的用無辜大眼對你喵喵叫時,好難過。 後來住了五天院打點滴,跟男朋友找了網路上許多的文章,發現有些人努力的補充它的營養好像多少有點希望,乾脆把她帶回家自己餵。試了兩天,發現根本行不通,他只吃ㄧ點點,心理掙扎的想該帶她抽腹水看能不能讓食慾變好點;還是讓他放鼻胃管。最後我們決定讓他放鼻胃管,心想至少讓他維持一定的基本熱量需求,醫師說一般放8號的會比較理想,因為怕灌的東西堵塞不通的話就要再換一條鼻胃管,因為它的鼻子很小,他是放5號的,醫師很細心的再給我們一條鼻胃管,告訴我們在要餵她之前,先用另一條test是否所有食物都能通過管子,如果有堵塞的話,要將食物在弄更細,以免小喵咪在挨一次苦。 我們餵的是一種有點像奶粉的粉末(這好像是針對無法進食的動物特製的,有點像人類的鼻胃管灌食用的牛奶,可是價錢有點小貴一瓶要600元),我用醫療注射用水稀釋(有加一些電解質的葡萄糖水),一瓶可混500cc的水(他標示一瓶總熱量為500卡,換算下來就是 1Kcal/ 1ml) ,不能用熱水稀釋,用常溫冷水稀釋時需要花多一點時間,我就拿者瓶子搖搖晃晃看電視大約30分鐘~1小時,確定沒有大顆粒的未溶解物。另外因為貓需要從食物中攝取"牛磺酸"所以另外買了針劑的牛磺酸(他是玻璃安剖瓶裝,一瓶價格大約20元)把牛奶混好之後分成小包小包每日量,再把牛磺酸加進去混勻。我看兩公斤的小貓大約需要120卡/天,因為怕她一次灌食量太大會想吐不舒服,所以大約1~2小時餵一次約 5~10ml 的量,灌完再用空針抽1~2ml的葡萄糖水把管子沖乾淨(一定要喔!不然管子的食物會把管子堵住,然後他就沒function了) 今天餵她雞肉泥混特製牛奶,結果看他的貓沙上有一灘像尿的東西,在看仔細一點發現竟是他拉肚子,趕快打給獸醫師,他說BABY FOOD雞肉泥有些動物用了會有拉肚子的情行,他建議我單單餵特製牛奶就好了,剛剛已經餵兩次了,^____^還好尚未有拉肚子的情形。。。
2006-03-21 01:14 AM
最愛: 豆子
等級: 精靈王
文章: 290
註冊時間: 2006-02-01
最近來訪: 2011-07-28
基本上沒有發病..都因該是冠裝病毒.因為腹膜炎是冠狀病毒突變.醫生有說過~~因該長大就比較穩定ㄌ~~幼喵比較容易感染..我家有得過溼性ㄉ..ˊˋ他腹水很嚴重.... 如果要養喵喵~~~必須整ㄍ環境大清潔~不只地面還有任何角落..甚至以前喵喵用ㄉ碗阿..窩阿~玩具阿~梳子阿~盡量不要在使用ㄌ~我家之前都全家大掃除~甚至盡量先隔離...該丟ㄉ都丟ㄌ~推薦→"滴露"很好用..味道跟殺威龍差不多..殺菌效果也很好..稀釋過後~可以噴在空氣當中..然後稀釋用來拖地也很好用~還有洗喵喵ㄉ窩阿~毛巾~等等都可以加入洗衣機裡面殺菌喔!!那ㄍ屈臣士有賣很便宜~一百多摳而已~我已經有深刻體驗到~我家愛貓離我而去~所以我發誓一定要我家ㄉ貓貓一定要很健康很健康~(自從養貓之後開始每天狂打掃ˋˊ)
2006-03-22 12:16 PM
最愛: 蚵嗲,妹妹,GUCCI..
等級: 俠客
文章: 24
註冊時間: 2005-10-18
最近來訪: 2009-04-13
我們家bebe七個月大最近才宣告得到fip 目前正在持續治療 我們對他的症狀有點疑問 因為從我們帶他到醫院檢查 他已經有腹水1個禮拜了 可是除了吃的少以外其他還ok (當初以為他是結紥後變胖才沒帶他去檢查 都怪自己太粗心了) 而且聽說fip的貓通常ㄧ個里拜就走了..他竟然還可以撐到我們帶他去看醫生 (不知道是不是因為有點鼻的關係?!) 他現在吃的狀況大致是ㄧ天兩個罐頭(因為他平常就吃很少) 我們持續幫他餵藥及營養品 希望他能快點好起來 今天早上看腹水有比較消(可能是因為打利尿劑的關係吧)
2006-03-24 02:17 PM
最愛: 咪咕
等級: 騎士
文章: 67
註冊時間: 2006-03-08
最近來訪: 2008-05-12
這種病 有什麼特徵ㄇ?? 除了打預防針該如何預防ㄋ??
2006-03-27 12:09 AM
最愛: 仲夏夜黑貓
等級: 聖騎士
文章: 119
註冊時間: 2006-03-07
最近來訪: 2007-05-11
我也有打預防針唷 雖然有點貴 但值得!!!
2006-03-27 05:02 AM
最愛: 17喵+3天使貓
等級: 大天使
文章: 1921
註冊時間: 2004-01-30
最近來訪: 2011-11-30
下面引用由喵烏在 2006/03/24 03:17pm 發表的內容: 這種病 有什麼特徵ㄇ?? 除了打預防針該如何預防ㄋ??
新同學您好喔....你可以擅用"文章收尋"來找有關"傳染性腹膜炎"或是"F.I.P"的文章... 他的文章很多很多,要有耐心+用心的看.... 有不懂的地方再來請教獸醫或是這的貓友喔... 至於點預防針.....這點請請教您的獸醫給你建議吧..... (依然...很爭議中Orz......)
2006-04-05 01:07 AM
最愛: 妞妞/比比/咪咪
等級: 精靈王
文章: 389
註冊時間: 2005-03-03
最近來訪: 2009-12-02
[這篇文章最後由eric1014在 2006/04/05 01:08am 編輯]
下面引用由asmallrice在 2006/03/13 01:36pm 發表的內容: 我家最小的寶貝-黑糖糕 今天早上診斷出可能為傳染性的腹膜炎 她的症狀為胸水 醫生幫他抽出來化驗的結果 ...
我家的奶茶也是最近診斷出有滲出型的FIP,大約已經治療一個禮拜了,一開始的症狀是精神不好,一掉晚都懶懶的,而且很瘦,不吃東西,也有腹水的情況了,目前服用類固醇和補充養分一經一個多禮拜了,慢慢的有一點食慾,會自己進食了,但大部分我還是用灌食的方式,餵baby food+ 營養高+補血肝精...等等, 讓我們一起努力,加油,陪貓咪對抗病魔吧...
2006-04-05 01:23 AM
最愛: 妞妞/比比/咪咪
等級: 精靈王
文章: 389
註冊時間: 2005-03-03
最近來訪: 2009-12-02
下面引用由BalBal在 2006/03/22 12:16pm 發表的內容: 我們家bebe七個月大最近才宣告得到fip 目前正在持續治療 我們對他的症狀有點疑問 因為從我們帶他到醫院檢查 他已經有腹水1個禮拜了 可是除了吃的少以外其他還ok ...
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