[主題] [討論] 貓之異位性皮膚炎 之一 (翻譯文)
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等級: 俠客
文章: 32
註冊時間: 2007-02-14
最近來訪: 2012-08-31

網誌字體鮮明好讀版: http://littlevet.pixnet.net/blog/post/27452484
(此網誌有廣告, 不介意的網友再請進, 也歡迎引用我的網址喔, 給更多的人知道這些資訊~)
(喜歡的網友也請多多支持廣告商, 給作者一個實質上的支持喔!!)

以下文章翻譯自Dr. Jon (以下會貼上原始連結以及原文)

異位性皮膚炎是一種動物的搔癢疾病, 此病通常藉由環境的過敏因子所造成.

有可能會因為接觸到空氣, 由空氣中所吸入, 或是接觸到皮膚而影響.

異位性皮膚炎被認為是一種先天性的疾病, 而且很難在貓咪中來診斷. 或甚至會被忽略.

異位性皮膚炎的症狀通常在貓咪年輕的時候就會出現, 甚至通常在一歲齡就會出現. 症狀一開始通常都是季節性的.

大部分的貓咪都是在夏季出現症狀, 尤其是花粉很多的時候. 在貓咪到達得病的年紀之後,

就會開始對於更多因子有過敏的問題, 而且開始跟季節性會沒有關係, 而變成一整年都會發病.

有異位性皮膚炎的貓咪通常都會很癢, 會出現在手手跟腳腳. 那邊的皮膚會開始變紅,

且有可能會因為抓太嚴重而開始出現皮膚的問題, 而且耳朵也會開始發炎. 食物過敏的症狀則通常很難跟異位性皮膚炎來做區別.


1. 貓咪們開始咬手手跟腳腳
2. 抓臉或是在地上磨蹭臉. 有時候手腳也會磨.
3. 抓耳朵.
4. 甩頭.


需要做一些檢查來排除其他的皮膚疾病, 因此才可以確定是異位性皮膚炎. 這些檢查包含以下幾個:

1. 完整的病史以及詳細的身體檢查. 尤其是確定耳朵以及臉跟手腳掌的皮膚.

通常這些問題可能沒辦法在有異位性皮膚炎的貓咪身上做理學檢查看到, 甚至有時候只會在腳趾頭或是嘴鼻附近看到紅紅的而已.

2. 刮皮測試寄生蟲

3. 黴菌培養

4. 皮膚測試( 或者有時候會驗血來看, 按編:有可能指的是驗過敏原)來確定是不是有特殊的過敏原影響你的貓貓.

一開始的治療有可能會減緩症狀, 但是不要治療造成過敏的潛在因子. 免疫治療是被認為最佳且長期治療異位性皮膚炎的最好方式.

5. 抗組織胺的藥物

6. 皮膚補充健康食品

7. 抗生素 (有二次型皮膚炎才需要)

8. 緩和皮膚的洗毛精

9. 類固醇 (對於異位性皮膚炎非常有效, 但是長期使用則會有副作用)

10. 免疫治療 (最佳治療的方式!!)


異位性皮膚炎沒辦法被根治. 而且大部分的貓貓都需要一輩子的控制. 你將會需要長期回診並拿藥回去控制你的貓咪的病情.

而且要盡量讓他們少接觸過敏原. 皮膚過敏測試可以讓你知道你的貓貓對於什麼過敏原特別敏感. 但是有異位性皮膚炎的貓貓們,

有可能隨著時間過去, 對於更多物品產生過敏的問題, 所以測試這個就看貓咪主人以及獸醫的各自想法啦.

除了以上所述之外, 你也要做好跳蚤預防. 以免像是跳蚤過敏的問題增加了皮膚搔癢的情況

要每天觀察你的貓貓是不是有紅疹或是皮膚看起來更加嚴重了. 二次性的細菌感染在於有異位性皮膚炎的貓咪是常見的, 而且會讓他們更加不舒服.


因為環境接觸過敏原是一個很重要的造成異位性皮膚炎的原因, 而且很難被避免. 空氣中的過敏原, 像是花粉, 就很難避免.

所以其實沒什麼可以做到避免異位性皮膚炎的. 貓咪如果從小在低過敏源的環境( 像是乾燥的天氣以及高海拔的地區) 可能就會比較沒有症狀.

(按邊: 看來台灣的貓咪們...)

待續...(還有之二, 之三, 之四, 之五 待更新  XD)


等級: 俠客
文章: 32
註冊時間: 2007-02-14
最近來訪: 2012-08-31


Atopy is a pruritic (itchy) skin disease of animals that is caused by an allergy to substances in the environment that are contacted through the air, either by absorption through the respiratory tract or contact through the skin. Atopy is thought to be an inherited disease. It can be difficult to diagnose in cats and, therefore, is probably under-diagnosed.

Symptoms of atopy usually begin relatively early in life, often by one year of age. Symptoms usually are seasonal at first, with most cats showing clinical signs in the summer months when airborne allergens (such as plant pollens) are present in higher concentrations. As atopic cats age, their symptoms tend to become less seasonal as they become allergic to more substances. Eventually, their itchiness can occur year-round.

Cats with atopy are usually itchy, particularly the hands and feet. The skin may be red and irritated due to scratching, and the ears may also be inflamed. The symptoms of food allergy are difficult to distinguish from those of atopy.

What to Watch For

Chewing at the paws
Scratching the face or rubbing it on the ground or with the paws
Scratching the ears
Shaking the head

Veterinary Care

Diagnostic tests are necessary to rule out other skin diseases, as well as to support the diagnosis of atopy. These tests may include:

A complete medical history and perform a thorough physical examination, especially checking the ears and the skin of the face and paws. Often, abnormalities may not be detected on the physical examination of cats with atopy. Occasionally, redness between the toes or around the muzzle of the face is the only finding.

Skin scrapings to eliminate other diagnoses such as demodectic or sarcoptic mange (caused by mites).

Fungal culture to rule out ringworm (also called dermatophytosis).

Skin testing (or occasionally blood testing) to determine specific allergens to which your pet may be allergic.

Initial treatments may alleviate symptoms, but do not treat the underlying cause of the allergy. Immunotherapy (allergy shots that work by modifying your cat's immune response to allergens) is considered the best treatment for moderate to severe or long-standing cases of atopy.

Treatments may include one or more of the following:


Fatty acid supplements

Antibiotics to treat secondary pyoderma (bacterial infection of the skin)

Soothing shampoos

Corticosteroids (hormones) such as prednisone (very effective for reducing the symptoms of atopy, but have many potential side effects that can limit their long-term use).

NOTE: All of the above treatments alleviate symptoms, but do nothing to treat the underlying allergy.

For treatment of the underlying allergy:

Immunotherapy (allergy shots that work by modifying your cat's immune response to allergens; considered the best treatment for moderate to severe cases).

Home Care

Atopy cannot be cured and most cats require some form of therapy throughout their lives. You will need to administer any medications prescribed by your veterinarian and avoid offending allergens as much as possible. Skin testing (also called allergy testing) can be performed to identify the specific substances to which your cat is allergic. As time goes by, however, most cats with atopy become allergic to more and more allergens, making avoidance impractical in the long run.

You should practice strict flea control. Other itchy (pruritic) skin diseases such as flea allergy dermatitis may have an additive effect on your cat's skin condition.

Observe your cat for rashes and worsening of any skin lesions. Secondary bacterial infection of the skin (pyoderma) is common in cats with atopy and can contribute to their discomfort.

Preventative Care

Since enviromental exposure to allergens is important in the development of disease, it cannot be prevented. Airborne allergens, such as plant pollens, are difficult to avoid, and there is little that can be done to prevent the development of atopy in a predisposed individual. Cats that grow up in low allergen environments (dry climate with high elevation) may be less likely to develop symptoms.

連結: http://www.petplace.com/cats/atopy-in-cats/page1.aspx?utm_source=catcrazynews001et&utm_medium=email&utm_content=petplace_article&utm_campaign=dailynewsletter
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