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2009-06-24 11:32 AM
最愛: 喵女王阿咪愛林維大力
等級: 天尊
威望: 2
文章: 51666
註冊時間: 2003-08-28
最近來訪: 2017-11-24
下面引用由PrinceSteven在 2009/06/24 05:54am 發表的內容: 今天如果狂犬病疫苗不會有引起惡性腫瘤的可能, 我想各飼主們都會為了愛貓好,主動帶他們去打疫苗的! 問題就是目前對於疫苗有相當的疑問,大家就會思考是否要 冒險帶寵物去打,一方面目前台灣尚不是狂犬病疫區, ...
就因為台灣不是狂犬病疫區 所以才更需要重視狂犬病疫苗 已經有很專家學者在呼籲了 若是為了貓好 不打狂犬病疫苗不顧社會道義 不知道認為沒有社會道義這麼嚴重的人 是否也贊成獸醫師為了他家老小的生活安逸好 也可以不顧醫德?
2009-06-24 01:43 PM
最愛: 妹妹小布小魯
等級: 精靈王
文章: 323
註冊時間: 2009-03-08
最近來訪: 2011-09-06
下面引用由吉兒在 2009/06/19 10:57am 發表的內容: 妹妹媽 小布小魯是你要收編的嗎? 可以每個月留意一下腫塊後續情況嗎?
2009-06-24 02:52 PM
最愛: 代理貓奴&天使小摸
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 539
註冊時間: 2005-06-27
最近來訪: 2013-07-25
下面引用由flamingo在 2009/06/24 02:43pm 發表的內容: 等待有緣人中...如果送出去會提醒認養人注意腫塊情形
2009-06-24 05:41 PM
最愛: DIDI
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 487
註冊時間: 2009-05-01
最近來訪: 2024-01-19
如果你說的小孩是指人類的話,那我真的不知道該講什麼, 您有常看到小孩疑似打預防針致命或者長腫瘤的新聞嗎? 對於人類的疫苗,我想藥廠以及政府單位一定會非常謹慎的去試驗 後才會上市供人施打,但是寵物用的疫苗是否是這樣呢? 我不是專業人員,這個我也不知道,我只知道寵物也是我的家人。
下面引用由吉祥兒在 2009/06/24 10:44am 發表的內容: 其實 如果你有這樣的疑慮 那麼 你的小孩也不要帶去打預防針好了 我說的是實話
2009-06-24 05:51 PM
最愛: DIDI
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 487
註冊時間: 2009-05-01
最近來訪: 2024-01-19
那我真的也滿想詢問專家學者,為什麼當初他們研發的五合一疫苗, 現在為什麼會有施打後引發惡性腫瘤的疑慮?!是否該先暫時回收, 等到確認是什麼會引起腫瘤,改善後再上市提供施打。 至於獸醫師醫德問題,我想飼主們也是有判斷能力的, 假使真的有那種獸醫師,想必一定會被市場汰換機制抵制的。 我想這兩個問題是不相干的,我不予置評!
下面引用由吉祥兒在 2009/06/24 12:32pm 發表的內容: 就因為台灣不是狂犬病疫區 所以才更需要重視狂犬病疫苗 已經有很專家學者在呼籲了 若是為了貓好 不打狂犬病疫苗不顧社會道義 不知道認為沒有社會道義這麼嚴重的人 是否也贊成獸醫師為了他家老小的生活安逸好 也可以不顧醫德?
2009-06-24 05:58 PM
最愛: DIDI
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 487
註冊時間: 2009-05-01
最近來訪: 2024-01-19
五合一的疫苗是已知有可能會引發惡性腫瘤的疫苗, 至少我和我兩個寵物家庭醫師討論的結果是這樣。 至於狂犬病疫苗似乎有待查證,畢竟很多是打了五合一又打狂犬病, 所以要看僅施打三合一以及狂犬病的貓貓是否也有導致腫瘤。
下面引用由吉兒在 2009/06/24 10:56am 發表的內容: 目前已知的案例 三歲 已結紮三花米克斯 未曾施打狂犬病疫苗 只有施打過兩次五合一疫苗...
2009-06-24 06:21 PM
最愛: 代理貓奴&天使小摸
等級: 風雲使者
文章: 539
註冊時間: 2005-06-27
最近來訪: 2013-07-25
下面引用由PrinceSteven在 2009/06/24 06:58pm 發表的內容: 五合一的疫苗是已知有可能會引發惡性腫瘤的疫苗, 至少我和我兩個寵物家庭醫師討論的結果是這樣。 至於狂犬病疫苗似乎有待查證,畢竟很多是打了五合一又打狂犬病, 所以要看僅施打三合一以及狂犬病的貓貓是否也� ...
謝謝你提供的回答和建議 目前這個討論就暫時留給後續有需要回報疫苗紀錄的貓友 方便有需要的人來這裡查詢 如果有任何疑問和可以提供給其他貓友的相關討論 也請你改到討論板繼續和我們一同分享資訊 http://www.supervr.net/catbbs/topic.cgi?forum=34&topic=3696&show=0 在這邊先感謝眾多貓友主動提供相當多的訊息, 非常感謝!
2009-06-24 07:32 PM
最愛: Oscar,Minou,Shan»
等級: 天神
威望: 2
文章: 17886
註冊時間: 2003-12-16
最近來訪: 2017-11-01
老實說,我還是想強調防疫的重要性。當然我們自己的貓小孩狗朋友甚至中途的貓都有接受預防注射及狂犬預防,我個人還在美國時,也有打過狂犬疫苗。 不過,我想陳述的重點是 VAS 已經在臨床上證實由狂犬疫苗及貓科白血病毒疫苗裡衍生的一種臨床疫苗注射疾毒。請看以下資料。 Vaccine-associated sarcoma From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search A vaccine-associated sarcoma (VAS) is a type of malignant tumor found in cats (and rarely, dogs and ferrets) that has been linked to certain vaccines. VAS has become a concern for veterinarians and cat owners alike and has resulted in changes in recommended vaccine protocols.
2009-06-24 07:32 PM
最愛: Oscar,Minou,Shan»
等級: 天神
威望: 2
文章: 17886
註冊時間: 2003-12-16
最近來訪: 2017-11-01
These tumors have been most commonly associated with rabies and feline leukemia virus vaccines, but other vaccines and injected medications have also been implicated.
2009-06-24 07:32 PM
最愛: Oscar,Minou,Shan»
等級: 天神
威望: 2
文章: 17886
註冊時間: 2003-12-16
最近來訪: 2017-11-01
History VAS was first recognized at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 1991.[2] An association between highly aggressive fibrosarcomas and typical vaccine location (between the shoulder blades) was made. Two possible factors for the increase of VAS at this time were the introduction in 1985 of vaccines for rabies and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) that contained aluminum adjuvant, and a law in 1987 requiring rabies vaccination in cats in Pennsylvania.[3] In 1993, a causal relationship between VAS and administration of aluminum adjuvanted rabies and FeLV vaccines was established through epidemiologic methods, and in 1996 the Vaccine-Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force was formed to address the problem.[4] In 2003, a study of ferret fibrosarcomas indicated that this species also may develop VAS. Several of the tumors were located in common injection sites and had similar histologic features to VAS in cats.[5] Also in 2003, a study in Italy compared fibrosarcomas in dogs from injection sites and non-injection sites to VAS in cats, and found distinct similarities between the injection site tumors in dogs and VAS in cats. This suggests that VAS may occur in dogs.[6]
2009-06-24 07:33 PM
最愛: Oscar,Minou,Shan»
等級: 天神
威望: 2
文章: 17886
註冊時間: 2003-12-16
最近來訪: 2017-11-01
Pathology Inflammation in the subcutis following vaccination is considered to be a risk factor in the development of VAS, and vaccines containing aluminum were found to produce more inflammation.[7] Furthermore, particles of aluminum adjuvant have been discovered in tumor macrophages.[8] The incidence of VAS is between 1 in 1000 to 1 in 10000 vaccinated cats and has been found to be dose-dependent.[1] The time from vaccination to tumor formation varies from three months to eleven years.[9] Fibrosarcoma is the most common VAS; other types include rhabdomyosarcoma, myxosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, and undifferentiated sarcoma.[10] Similar examples of sarcomas developing secondary to inflammation include tumors associated with metallic implants and foreign body material in humans, and sarcomas of the esophagus associated with Spirocerca lupi infection in dogs and ocular sarcomas in cats following trauma. Cats may be the predominant species to develop VAS because they have an increased susceptibility to oxidative injury, as evidenced also by an increased risk of Heinz body anemia and acetaminophen toxicity.[9] [edit] Diagnosis VAS appears as a rapidly growing firm mass in and under the skin. The mass is often quite large when first detected and can become ulcerated or infected. It often contains fluid-filled cavities, probably due to its rapid growth.[11] Diagnosis of VAS is through a biopsy. The biopsy will show the presence of a sarcoma, but information like location and the presence of inflammation or necrosis will increase the suspicion of VAS. It is possible for cats to have a granuloma form after vaccination, so it is important to differentiate between the two before radical surgery is performed. One guideline for biopsy is if a growth is present three months after surgery, if a growth is greater than two centimeters, or if a growth is becoming larger one month after vaccination.[1] X-rays are taken prior to surgery because about one in five cases of VAS will develop metastasis, usually to the lungs but possibly to the lymph nodes or skin.[8]
2009-06-24 07:37 PM
最愛: Oscar,Minou,Shan»
等級: 天神
威望: 2
文章: 17886
註冊時間: 2003-12-16
最近來訪: 2017-11-01
我想現在的爭議並不是在於"打或不打" 而是獸醫們是否有在UPDATE 自己的臨床知識及吸收因預防針而衍生的病理的後續處理或預防的處理。 目前已經有很多的獸醫會將狂犬疫苗打在肌肉或腳上。 我個人也是知道狂犬疫苗裡佐劑衍生肉瘤再轉成悪性腫瘤的風險 但是 我家的貓小孩及狗小孩也都是有施打的,只是我們不是打在背上
2009-06-24 07:39 PM
最愛: Oscar,Minou,Shan»
等級: 天神
威望: 2
文章: 17886
註冊時間: 2003-12-16
最近來訪: 2017-11-01
更多的文獻及資料 Treatment and prognosis Treatment of VAS is through aggressive surgery. As soon as the tumor is recognized, it should be removed with very wide margins to ensure complete removal. Treatment may also include chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The most significant prognostic factor is initial surgical treatment. One study showed that cats with radical (extensive) initial surgery had a median time to recurrence of 325 days versus 79 days for cats with marginal initial excision.[3] The expression of a mutated form of p53, a tumor suppressor gene, is found commonly in VAS and indicates a poorer prognosis.[12] [edit] Precautionary measures New vaccine protocols have been put forth by the American Association of Feline Practitioners that limit type and frequency of vaccinations given to cats. Specifically, the vaccine for feline leukemia virus should only be given to kittens and high risk cats, and the core vaccines for rabies, feline panleukopenia, feline viral rhinotracheitis, and feline calicivirus should only be given every three years to adult cats. Also, vaccines should be given in areas making removal of VAS easier.[13] A new canarypox vector rabies vaccine is on the market that is non-adjuvanted and creates little inflammation at the injection site.[14] There have been no specific associations between development of VAS and vaccine brand or manufacturer, concurrent infections, history of trauma, or environment.[15] [edit] References ^ a b c "Vaccine-Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force: Roundtable Discussion". Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 226 (11). 2005. http://www.avma.org/journals/javma/articles_public/vafstf_050601.asp. Retrieved on 2006-08-27. ^ Hendrick M, Goldschmidt M (1991). "Do injection site reactions induce fibrosarcomas in cats?". J Am Vet Med Assoc 199 (8): 968. PMID 1748617. ^ a b Kitchell, Barbara E. (2005). "Feline Vaccine-Associated Sarcomas". Proceedings of the 30th World Congress of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association. http://www.vin.com/proceedings/Proceedings.plx?CID=WSAVA2005&PID=10915&O=Generic. Retrieved on 2006-08-27. ^ Richards J, Elston T, Ford R, Gaskell R, Hartmann K, Hurley K, Lappin M, Levy J, Rodan I, Scherk M, Schultz R, Sparkes A (2006). "The 2006 American Association of Feline Practitioners Feline Vaccine Advisory Panel report". J Am Vet Med Assoc 229 (9): 1405–41. doi:10.2460/javma.229.9.1405. PMID 17078805. ^ Munday J, Stedman N, Richey L (2003). "Histology and immunohistochemistry of seven ferret vaccination-site fibrosarcomas". Vet Pathol 40 (3): 288–93. doi:10.1354/vp.40-3-288. PMID 12724570. ^ Vascellari M, Melchiotti E, Bozza M, Mutinelli F (2003). "Fibrosarcomas at presumed sites of injection in dogs: characteristics and comparison with non-vaccination site fibrosarcomas and feline post-vaccinal fibrosarcomas". J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med 50 (6): 286–91. PMID 12887620. ^ O'Rourke, Kate (2004). "Researchers probe vaccine-associated feline sarcoma". Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 225 (6). http://www.avma.org/onlnews/javma/sep04/040915k.asp. Retrieved on 2006-08-27. ^ a b Hershey A, Sorenmo K, Hendrick M, Shofer F, Vail D (2000). "Prognosis for presumed feline vaccine-associated sarcoma after excision: 61 cases (1986-1996)". J Am Vet Med Assoc 216 (1): 58–61. doi:10.2460/javma.2000.216.58. PMID 10638320. ^ a b Martin M (2003). "Vaccine-associated fibrosarcoma in a cat". Can Vet J 44 (8): 660–3. PMID 13677599. ^ Chang H, Ho S, Lo H, Tu Y, Jeng C, Liu C, Wang F, Pang V (2006). "Vaccine-associated rhabdomyosarcoma with spinal epidural invasion and pulmonary metastasis in a cat". Vet Pathol 43 (1): 55–8. doi:10.1354/vp.43-1-55. PMID 16407487. ^ Couto S, Griffey S, Duarte P, Madewell B (2002). "Feline vaccine-associated fibrosarcoma: morphologic distinctions". Vet Pathol 39 (1): 33–41. doi:10.1354/vp.39-1-33. PMID 12102217. ^ Hershey A, Dubielzig R, Padilla M, Helfand S (2005). "Aberrant p53 expression in feline vaccine-associated sarcomas and correlation with prognosis". Vet Pathol 42 (6): 805–11. doi:10.1354/vp.42-6-805. PMID 16301577. ^ Eigner, Diane R.. "Feline Vaccine Guidelines". The Winn Feline Foundation. http://www.winnfelinehealth.org/health/vaccination-guidelines.html#recommendations. Retrieved on 2006-08-27. ^ Lappin, Michael R. (2004). "Feline vaccines". Proceedings of the 29th World Congress of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association. http://www.vin.com/proceedings/Proceedings.plx?CID=WSAVA2004&PID=8684&O=Generic. Retrieved on 2006-08-27. ^ Kass P, Spangler W, Hendrick M, McGill L, Esplin D, Lester S, Slater M, Meyer E, Boucher F, Peters E, Gobar G, Htoo T, Decile K (2003). "Multicenter case-control study of risk factors associated with development of vaccine-associated sarcomas in cats". J Am Vet Med Assoc 223 (9): 1283–92. doi:10.2460/javma.2003.223.1283. PMID 14621215. Z. Deim, N. Pálmai and G. Cserni: Vaccine-associated fibrosarcoma induced by aluminium compound in two cats, Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, volume 56 (2008)
2009-06-24 07:53 PM
等級: 俠客
文章: 38
註冊時間: 2008-06-19
最近來訪: 2010-03-16
下面引用由PrinceSteven在 2009/06/24 06:51pm 發表的內容: 那我真的也滿想詢問專家學者,為什麼當初他們研發的五合一疫苗, 現在為什麼會有施打後引發惡性腫瘤的疑慮?!是否該先暫時回收, 等到確認是什麼會引起腫瘤,改善後再上市提供施打。 至於獸醫師醫德問題,我想� ...
我覺得有時候醫生的醫德跟產品是兩回事 現在的醫生不像以前多靠經驗 現在的醫生大多依賴生技產品跟廠商 寵物醫療又不像人類醫療一樣讓政府重視 所以往往廠商在推銷產品或是檢驗試劑時 “合不合用“ “是不是真的適合“ 我想醫生大半也不是很清楚 常常是把廠商的一套說法拿來跟飼主說 有問題在透過醫生問廠商 有點像“仲介“的感覺 東西用了有沒有出事 出事是不是真的是產品引起的 又有很大的模糊空間 我家在看的動物醫生 也看過很多貓 甚至是小有名氣 但醫生還是說“預防針最好還是每年打“........ 但我很疑惑 一種疫苗 人最多追加個三劑就很不錯了 為什麼動物要每年打??? 每年問醫生 醫生也只是口頭說 “最好每年打“ 拿不出個證據說因為實驗證明怎樣怎樣所以每年打是最好的之類的保證 很無奈 ........
2009-06-24 08:07 PM
等級: 俠客
文章: 38
註冊時間: 2008-06-19
最近來訪: 2010-03-16
下面引用由Shandie在 2009/06/24 00:29am 發表的內容: 台灣也是有一些研究 在台灣現在使用的狂犬病疫苗是最常引起貓體肉瘤的一種預防疫苗,並不是疫苗本身的問題而是內含的佐劑的問題。
不管是疫苗本身或是佐劑的問題 這兩樣東西是一起施打的 不可能跟醫生說“醫生,我只要打疫苗不要打佐劑“ 佐劑是拿來幫助增強免疫能力用的 對疫苗效果是要有加分的 如果這種佐劑打了卻是幫了很大的倒忙 對某病有了免疫力但卻因此喪生了 那還不如不要打 疫苗是要確定了安全性才上市的 如果使用後有疑慮 應該是要暫停並想辦法解決改良後在繼續 而不是問題沒解決 卻只想著“有得狂犬病的可能“跟“社會責任“而讓一堆貓狗 陷於危險之中.......... 今天你我家的寶貝沒事 可以很大聲的這樣說 但如果今天是自家的寶貝因為疫苗而遭遇痛苦甚至賠了一條命 只為了那“得狂犬病的微小可能性“.......... 誰還敢大聲的說“每年一定要注射疫苗“ 難道打了一年就沒抗體了嗎?? 誰可以拿出這樣的實證來?!