During effective antibiotic treatment, haemoplasma- infected cats can become PCR-negative, although it can take a number of days or even weeks for the haemoplas- ma DNA levels to fall to below the detection limits of the PCR assaytherefore recommended that blood samples to detect haemoplasma infection by PCR are collected before antibiotic treatment begins. Cats can remain PCR-positive for months or even
下面引用由布貓在 2007/01/22 10:09pm 發表的內容: 【讓一隻沒有任何病徵的貓瞇 去做PCR或者抹片篩檢 】 其實很很弔詭 fawining或許有機會可以跟杜醫生聊聊 During effective antibiotic treatment, haemoplasma- infected cats can become PCR-negative, although it can take a number of days or even weeks for the haemoplas- ma DNA levels to fall to below the detection limits of the PCR assaytherefore recommended that blood samples to detect haemoplasma infection by PCR are collected before antibiotic treatment begins. Cats can remain PCR-positive for months or even