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2008-04-17 03:13 AM
等級: 精靈使
文章: 2239
註冊時間: 2005-06-07
最近來訪: 2009-06-07
最近協會超過18隻的餵奶貓照顧 奶粉使用量大.. 但是因為BABY們拉肚子.. 依照以往的方式~泡比較稀 原本kmr奶粉的正常比率是 1:2 一但開始拉肚子的話~1:3 或是 1:4 當然已經泡到 1:4的時候營養價值偏低 便常更常常餵食...變成少量多餐減少腸胃的負擔 但是最近kmr廠商業務強烈跟我反應 拉肚子的時候需要砲濃...@@ 我跟他解釋很多次..但是他非常的肯定拉肚子的時候需要泡濃 他說他有國外的使用說明書 我還沒拿到... 我跟他說英文也沒關係我會看... 因為這個實在太重要了..難道kmr奶粉改配方???? 怎麼可能拉肚子的時候反而得要泡農ㄋㄟ? 有人得知過這個訊息嗎???? 實在等不到那個業務拿國外說明書給我... 大家已經得過什麼消息的請分祥一下... 感謝`~~~
2008-04-17 03:19 AM
最愛: ㄤ、咪、寶妹、臭寶
等級: 天神
文章: 18058
註冊時間: 2005-04-01
最近來訪: 2023-04-24
這個啊 拉肚子要泡濃還是要泡稀要看貓咪狀況 基本上 若是因為消化不正常 對奶粉過敏無法吸收而拉肚子 但是食慾良好 這時候為了減輕腸胃的不適應 所以要泡稀 你的做法就是這樣 另一種拉肚子要泡濃 是因為貓咪拉肚子已經虛脫了 進食量少的話 又泡稀 會讓貓咪養分不夠 所以泡濃讓貓咪喝極少的奶也能吸收到足夠的養分 不至於因為拉肚子而營養失調 所以一樣是拉肚子 因為貓咪的狀況不一樣 原因不一樣 所以泡濃泡稀釋不一樣的囉 以上 是我的經驗加上我家醫生的解釋
2008-04-17 11:10 AM
等級: 精靈王
文章: 288
註冊時間: 2007-04-04
最近來訪: 2009-11-03
2008-04-17 11:17 AM
等級: 騎士
文章: 56
註冊時間: 2007-07-23
最近來訪: 2009-07-20
�奶粉不是很了解啦! 不��篇文��在�咪�健版比�好�!
2008-04-17 12:13 PM
最愛: 涮涮OA草莓天使紅豆
等級: 法王
文章: 6099
註冊時間: 2004-07-06
最近來訪: 2015-07-24
下面引用由雅在 2008/04/17 03:19am 發表的內容: 這個啊 拉肚子要泡濃還是要泡稀要看貓咪狀況 基本上 若是因為消化不正常 ...
雅 所以你的意思是 如果剛餵奶 在貓母奶跟貓奶粉轉換時遇到小貓拉肚子 小貓食欲好 這時就要泡稀 如果過一陣子還是一直拉 食欲降低 就反而要泡濃囉.... 但是拉肚子拉出來有奶粉細粒的話 是屬於不吸收的狀態囉? 這時候再泡濃 會不會反而更嚴重??
2008-04-17 12:51 PM
最愛: P.C.B.H.
等級: 天王
威望: 4
文章: 23812
註冊時間: 2004-12-04
最近來訪: 2013-03-14
幼貓糞便的形狀與顏色有時可以幫助找出原因 餵太多也可能造成拉肚子現象 當然傳染病或球蟲等問題也可能是原因 最好還是請教獸醫排除餵食貓奶粉外的其他因素 拉肚子容易引起脫水現象 因此要補充水份 根據 http://www.vin.com/WebLink.plx?BT=0&URL=http://www.hdw-inc.com/tinykitten.htm DIARRHEA/CONSTIPATION (幼貓的) 腹瀉與便秘 What does a loose and/or yellow stool mean? This may indicate a mild case of overfeeding. Try diluting the formula strength with liquid, unflavored Pedialyte by about 1/3 until the stool returns to normal, then gradually bring the formula back to full strength. How about a loose and/or greenish color stool? This would be indicative that the food is moving too quickly through the kitten's system, and the bile is not being absorbed, and is probably attributed to moderate overfeeding. Cut the formula back with the Pedialyte or bottled water, and check with your vet first to see if they recommend using 2 to 3 drops of Kaopectate every four hours until this problem clears up. What about stools that look like cottage cheese? In this case, either the formula strength is too rich, there is severe overfeeding, or the kitten may have a bacterial infection. Check with your veterinarian who may recommend that you cut the formula in half with bottled water and/or Pedialyte liquid, and start the kitten on antibiotics. If the kitten is seriously dehydrated, fluids can be given under the skin. Constipated or straining kittens? In this case, you would want to increase the strength of the formula, and feed slightly smaller amounts, but feed more frequently. If the kitten has a swollen abdomen and hasn't passed a bowel movement in over a day, you may want to try mineral oil given by mouth (3 drops per ounce of body weight). You may want to discuss with your vet whether or not a warm, soap-water enema can or should be given. 從 http://www.kittens-lair.net/raising-a-cat/feeding-newborn-orphan-kittens.html Stools that are clumped and cheese-like are sometimes due to feeding the formula too concentrated. When kittens strain to defecate and pass overly hard stools increase the frequency of feeding and dilute the formula. These impacted kittens also often have a bloated abdomen. You can give them a few drops of mineral oil or cat hairball paste to help them evacuate the stool. If they still remain bound up they may need a warm water enema. This is best done at a veterinary hospital. Dehydration is most common in newly acquired kittens that have not had access to milk for 24-48 hours. Dehydrated kittens are very weak and inactive. Their skin does not spring back when pinched but instead has a clay-like consistency. These kittens are best treated with sugar-containing fluids injected under their skin. Dehydrated kittens will also be hypoglycemic that is low in blood sugar. So feed them a 10% dextrose solution until the problem is resolved. 每日餵食的份量: 體重每 115g 兩湯匙 (tablespoons) How much formula to give? Normally, it is recommended that you give 2 tablespoons of liquid formula for every 4 ounces (115g) of body weight per day. For very young kittens, you will need to divide their total daily amount into six equal sized feedings, and yes, this does mean during the night, also!! As the kittens grow, the number of feedings and their frequency can be decreased. Also as they grow, they can let you know better when they are actually hungry. Kittens that are not getting enough nourishment may cry continuously, suck on each other or on themselves, and they may have prominent hips or backbones. KMR http://www.drugs.com/vet/kmr-powder-can.html 七天內的小幼貓 奶粉與水的比例是 1 : 2 七天到十天以上開眼的小幼貓 是 2 : 3 三到四周齡就可以開始添加副食品搭配貓奶粉 Directions Directions for Mixing KMR® Powder: For very young (less than 7 days old) or severely malnourished kittens, mix 1 measure KMR® with 2 measures of warm water. For older kittens (7 to 10 days old with eyes open) mix 2 measures KMR® with 3 measures of warm water. Directions for Feeding KMR®: All kittens should receive their mother's milk for at least 2 days, if possible. This colostrum milk gives extra nutrition and temporary immunity against some diseases. Warm reconstituted KMR® to room or body temperature. Feed kittens 2 tablespoons per 4 ounces (115 g) of body weight daily. Small and/or weak kittens should be fed every 3 to 4 hours. Larger and/or older kittens can do well being fed every 8 hours. Divide the daily feeding amount into equal portions for each feeding. The amount required should be increased or decreased to meet the individual requirements for each kitten. Weigh the kitten daily to assure that they are receiving adequate KMR®.
2008-04-17 02:06 PM
最愛: ㄤ、咪、寶妹、臭寶
等級: 天神
文章: 18058
註冊時間: 2005-04-01
最近來訪: 2023-04-24
當然要以醫生診斷為第一優先 我每次奶貓只要拉肚子 必定看醫生 醫生會根據貓咪的便便狀態跟我說要泡稀或泡濃 我整個一頭亂 所以仔細詢問醫生 一樣是拉肚子 為何有時要泡稀有時要泡濃? 所以才得到上篇的結果 當然 這必須先排除寄生蟲才行 不是只要貓咪拉肚子就自行調整濃度而不去看醫生 這樣本末倒置是不行的 至於小冰問的這部份 便便裡有奶塊 那就表示不吸收 所以不能泡濃 若是貓咪又喝得很少的話 就要變成泡很稀 但是閑著沒事就要餵他1.2cc的狀態了(少量多餐) 所以 奶粉泡濃泡稀一整個有非常多的組合方式 要配合貓咪的狀況跟拉西原因 還要確認體內是否有寄生蟲 要配合貓咪的進食狀況 要看貓咪的便便裡面有什麼 一切一切 沒有標準公式的哩
2008-04-17 02:16 PM
最愛: 喵喵可樂灰灰菠蘿
等級: 老法王
威望: 1
文章: 9589
註冊時間: 2003-02-27
最近來訪: 2021-10-01
我是聽過醫生建議 奶粉泡很稀時,為了多少給小貓增加熱量 可以添加一些葡萄糖粉進去(藥房有賣)
2008-04-17 03:57 PM
最愛: 咪咪
等級: 精靈王
文章: 359
註冊時間: 2006-08-18
最近來訪: 2012-09-26
下面引用由wuan在 2008/04/17 02:16pm 發表的內容: 我是聽過醫生建議 奶粉泡很稀時,為了多少給小貓增加熱量 可以添加一些葡萄糖粉進去(藥房有賣)
我之前用過方糖,把方糖弄成粉狀,加了少許 在貓奶粉中沖泡.
2008-04-17 04:16 PM
最愛: 菜貓咪
等級: 天神
威望: 2
文章: 14514
註冊時間: 2005-12-13
最近來訪: 2023-11-12
我也認為沒有公式.. 參考醫生診斷腹瀉結果..再來做調整... 便檢也可以看出消化狀況... 如果服藥一段時間仍無改善則要再度便檢.. 也許此時才能在顯微鏡下看到作怪的虫子出現...
2008-04-18 12:49 AM
等級: 精靈使
文章: 2239
註冊時間: 2005-06-07
最近來訪: 2009-06-07
下面引用由小盈叔在 2008/04/17 11:10am 發表的內容: 疑~沙拉不是改用皇家了??
上次kmr奶粉出問題之後~有一段時間沒用kmr 後來改用皇家..真是滿好用ㄉ..但是廠商後來有沒有進..我就不知道哩.. 因為後來得知kmr奶粉的保存倉庫已經做了26度以下的保存設備 所以kmr奶粉的品質目前比較穩定 依照我的經驗是 餵奶貓最好起碼喝到2天的母貓初乳..完全沒喝道的那種餵奶貓真的很難帶 也是通常剛離開母貓, 母奶轉換為人工奶水的時候很容易拉 或是離開母貓一段時間沒進食, 脫水+挨餓 為了減輕腸胃的負擔先泡浠 從母體很可能會感染的蟲, 球蟲, 離心邊毛蟲, 蛔蟲 這些都很可能會引起致命性的拉肚子 很有可能趨蟲的過程會引起更激烈的腹瀉讓小貓更快速脫水 最近發現拉肚子的原因中水質跟奶粉的品質也是佔相當大的比率 尤其水質很重要 千萬不要使用開飲機那種飲水機 那種重複煮水的機器沒法排放有害物資 小貓們喝下去之後很容易拉肚子 我幾乎沒碰過需要泡農的情形 沒法進食或是不願意進食的餵奶貓打皮下先補充水分以及很可能發燒的退燒作用 不太能進食的小貓餵食之後反而幾乎會嘔堍 可以告訴我明確什麼樣子的狀況需要泡農? 我是沒有看過kmr說明書..只是靠著經驗大約10天~2周大了小朋友們如果正常 2(水):1(奶) 會便秘 所以變成 3:2 變農之後正常排便