[主題] Raw and ground cat appropriate food in Taiwan 在台灣生和地面貓適宜的食物
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等級: 俠客
文章: 27
註冊時間: 2012-11-21
最近來訪: 2014-02-25

Hi, I am looking for a source in Taiwan who makes ground raw, frozen cat food. Ideally the food should have a mixture of duck, rabbit, turkey, chicken, mice, beef. It should be sourced from farmers who do not add supplements, and it should be ground while frozen to decrease bacterial content.

We feed chicken every day, with supplements mixed in. The chicken has a little skin and fat added. The cats don't like duck yet, and fish makes one of them itchy so we've stopped that. They also have some dry food, but I want to limit that, and certainly no grains in the dry food.

I do not want to feed them canned food. Most of it is made in Thailand, and I have been unable to find a good American one in Taiwan.



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等級: 大法師
威望: 3
文章: 4799
註冊時間: 2008-04-15
最近來訪: 2020-10-15
來自: 貓跑來跑去的地方

手癢 你這樣用翻譯軟體 (我懷疑 因為"美國的"怎麼會翻譯成"好美的"?)讓人看得一頭霧水


我在尋找台灣在地生產的生食(必須是絞碎且是冷凍) 最好是要有鴨,兔子,火雞,雞,老鼠跟牛的混合冷凍生食且是直接從農民那裏取得而製造有添加補充品且經過冷凍過程殺菌的

我們每天的食物是雞加上補充品的食物. 這食物裡面包含一些皮跟脂肪. 貓咪不喜歡鴨(或是還沒習慣鴨),而魚肉讓其中的一隻貓皮膚發癢所以我們已經停止餵食. 它們同時也會吃ㄧ些乾飼料但是我要限制它們對乾飼料的攝取,當然這乾飼料是無穀的.

我不給它們罐頭 因為大部分的罐頭都是泰國製造且我在台灣也還沒找到好的美國製罐頭.

For the first requirement, a raw diet contains so many types of animal proteins? i don't think that Taiwan has it, not even in the U.S. especially canned or raw diets. (i don't live in Taiwan)

Meat sourced from farmers with no added supplements? in this request, you probably need to learn from rawfedcats.org or similar websites because all commercial pet food adds supplements or luckily you find one but most likely you will need to add supplements by your own. For raw fed cats, their owners add supplements too.

In regarding canned food made in the U.S.? you can find some from the Internet (sellers in Taiwan), of course they are more expensive than the ones in the U.S.

cutecats wrote:Hi, I am looking for a source in Taiwan who makes ground raw, frozen cat food. Ideally the food should have a mixture of duck, rabbit, turkey, chicken, mice, beef. It should be sourced from farmers who do not add supplements, and it should be ground while frozen to decrease bacterial content.

We feed chicken every day, with supplements mixed in. The chicken has a little skin and fat added. The cats don't like duck yet, and fish makes one of them itchy so we've stopped that. They also have some dry food, but I want to limit that, and certainly no grains in the dry food.

I do not want to feed them canned food. Most of it is made in Thailand, and I have been unable to find a good American one in Taiwan.




這篇文章被編輯了 4 次. 最近一次更新是在 2/23/14 9:25 AM

等級: 俠客
文章: 27
註冊時間: 2012-11-21
最近來訪: 2014-02-25

thanks for your reply, but most of that's obvious and doesn't answer my question.
I said about meat without added supplements-i.e. organic farm, not intensive farm using steroids and other supplements.
I know that in America, yes it's easy to get many types of meats from safe suppliers, raw, ground. Yes, rabbits, mice, quail, goat, duck, etc etc.
Yes, I never mentioned duck-my cats don't like it.
The quality of canned cat food in Taiwan is low-in the US there are many other types of higher quality canned food that doesn't cause illness if used long term. And it's much cheaper, too. People in Taiwan are being ripped off.

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