[主題] 1-2 sweet kittens seek loving family with a yard or safe outside area
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等級: 俠客
文章: 27
註冊時間: 2012-11-21
最近來訪: 2014-02-25






Hi. I have rescued two kittens from the street, and am trying to find them a nice home. I hope that they can have a long happy life with a yard area to run around safely outside, and a warm home with loving family inside. I can't provide the outside access or long-term stability.

Both of these kittens were found outside, not cared for and lonely. They are an estimated 3-4 months old. They've had vaccinations, de-worming pill and anti-flea injection, and cleared for FIV. In the 13 days or so we've had them they've both gained .4kg, from 1.4kg at the start, so they are getting stronger and healthier. The orange (ginger) kitten is a boy, he was found in Shilin City. The orange and black kitten is a girl. She was found on a hiking trail at the edge of Chunghe not too far from Nanshijiao MRT.

Both of them purr a lot and like to sleep on people's beds, or knees. They love to run and play, or try to jump and catch toys.

I would be very appreciative if you can forwarded some or all of these comments about the kittens, and attached photographs, to some of your friends who would be interested in giving these cute kittens a safe and happy home for life. We can foster them temporarily, but it is good for them to move to a permanent home while still young.

附加檔案: kittens4small.jpg

附加檔案: kittens2small.jpg

這篇文章被編輯了 1 次. 最近一次更新是在 11/21/12 10:06 PM


等級: 俠客
文章: 28
註冊時間: 2012-11-22
最近來訪: 2012-12-13

Hello, I really like your kitten, they are really cute, and I especially like the orange bird
Will he have a ligation it? I think I should not, and his age is still small, it does not matter, I will help him to
You able to put the cat brought Shipai MRT station to me?
Thank you, I am waiting for your reply
My English is not good, but we have a great friendly heart ♥ ♥

等級: 俠客
文章: 27
註冊時間: 2012-11-21
最近來訪: 2014-02-25

ak215sl860 wrote: Hello, I really like your kitten, they are really cute, and I especially like the orange bird
Will he have a ligation it? I think I should not, and his age is still small, it does not matter, I will help him to
You able to put the cat brought Shipai MRT station to me?
Thank you, I am waiting for your reply
My English is not good, but we have a great friendly heart ♥ ♥

Thank you for your reply. Yes, he will need castration as he is presently a little too young. He is growing well and constant exercise/play, sleep, and good food is giving him good health.

I have some questions for you or others before I even think of taking him anywhere. You can reply here or by PM if you wish. I appreciate your effort.

1. Do you have a house (not apartment) with a yard area that provides a safe playing area?
2. Do you have children at home?
3. Would the cat be alone for many hours each day?
4. Can you provide lifetime loving care for him?

My intention is to find someone with a house so that the cat (s) can have a chance to wander outside as they would naturally-but as domestic animals, they spend most of their time inside and need love and care.

等級: 俠客
文章: 27
註冊時間: 2012-11-21
最近來訪: 2014-02-25

bump, thanks

等級: 俠客
文章: 28
註冊時間: 2012-11-22
最近來訪: 2012-12-13

Oh! Really sorry and even forgot to introduce myself
My family all love animals, Although I have Toy Poodles, but we would like to have more than one companion, stray animals is the best choice for us, a few days ago, I have tried to capture the Wildcats, but they strong human sharpest, so there is no success in the streets for a long time, so I instead of the home on the Internet looking for animals
I was a high school student, I have a sister and grandmother, my house has 112.3972 square meters
I know I do not have a lot of money, does not give him the most spacious living environment, but I have this heart want to love animals, I am willing to give my time and money. Effort, I am also willing to study hard, I'm sure can give it plenty of love
And, I want to keep the cat because my dog when I want to move out will become very old, he will be close to death, I do not want to be very lonely, so I hope the cats can accompany me, because cats live longer thandog much longer
I always use Google to do the translation to communicate with you, some words will be some mistake, I am sorry.

等級: 俠客
文章: 27
註冊時間: 2012-11-21
最近來訪: 2014-02-25

Thank you for your nice reply. I will consider the best solution for the sweet kitten and reply soon. Good luck to you.

等級: 俠客
文章: 27
註冊時間: 2012-11-21
最近來訪: 2014-02-25

Hi. Still trying to find the best home. This is a very friendly and affectionate cat. I appreciate everything you wrote, and think you sound very kind hearted.


這篇文章被編輯了 1 次. 最近一次更新是在 11/30/12 11:15 AM

等級: 俠客
文章: 28
註冊時間: 2012-11-22
最近來訪: 2012-12-13

謝謝你給我回覆,因為我已經好多次被拒絕了 ,他們認為把貓給我太好笑..
Oh .... I hope that he encountered a really love him and are willing to take care of his people, it is also good to
This is too bad, they sound very poor .. cat may get sick, especially too cold
I want to help them, how old are they?
You can use the letter of communication of me, al215sl860@yahoo.com.tw
Can you tell me the location is?

等級: 俠客
文章: 27
註冊時間: 2012-11-21
最近來訪: 2014-02-25

I sent you a PM because your email didn't work

等級: 俠客
文章: 28
註冊時間: 2012-11-22
最近來訪: 2012-12-13

Oh my God, I put my own name wrong .. == | | |
I'm sorry, my e-mail: ak215sl860@yahoo.com.tw
I hope you can send again, thank you ~ ~

等級: 俠客
文章: 27
註冊時間: 2012-11-21
最近來訪: 2014-02-25


I am still trying to find a home for the Ginger kitten. He really is a sweet and friendly boy, and we give him and the other kitten lots of play exercise and good food. If you need a loving companion, please let me know.

等級: 俠客
文章: 27
註冊時間: 2012-11-21
最近來訪: 2014-02-25


附加檔案: sleep together.jpg

這篇文章被編輯了 4 次. 最近一次更新是在 12/4/12 10:29 PM


等級: 俠客
文章: 27
註冊時間: 2012-11-21
最近來訪: 2014-02-25

Bumping this thread.

They are very happy here. However, long term I won't be able to keep them, so it's better I find a good home for them while they are still young.

If any of you have a country style house with place for the cats to play outside, then I'm very keen to let the cats live with you forever. I'll bring them anywhere in Taiwan if you can provide this nice life for them. A boy and a girl, same age (4.5 months) and good friends.


附加檔案: together.jpg

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