等級: 風雲使者
文章: 692
註冊時間: 2005-09-28
最近來訪: 2008-08-01
[這篇文章最後由小曾在 2006/04/18 02:05pm 編輯] 相信愛貓的人多少都會有印象, 希臘島上的貓都是優閒、自在地過著有自尊的生活, 一直以來我也是這樣認為。 直到最近,我買到了幾本很棒的貓攝影集, 攝影師叫 Hans Silvester,我著迷於他的拍攝手法, 將貓的特質和地中海湛藍的天空、櫛比鱗次的建築做出最完美的融合。 為了找一下他還有哪些作品,我上amazon搜尋,發現他的作品還滿多的, 照例會看一下作品評價,竟發現一則留言給了一顆星(滿分為五顆, 大部分的人都會給這位攝影師五顆,包括我),很不解的看了一下內容, 實在讓我震驚!難道我以前是被刻意建構出來的美麗形象所誤導了嗎。 但到底真象是否如此,還真是難以證實啊! 原文大意如下: 就攝影藝術來說, Hans Silvester是值得被尊重的。 但是希臘島上的貓並非像他照片上所呈現的如此幸福。 那位評論者親身到希臘,發現那些可憐的流浪貓狗是被忽視、受傷、 不人道的對待,就是不被“尊重”!殘障、飢餓、渴死、受傷, 當地人對這種慘狀跟本就無動於衷!這些都被攝影師刻意乎視了。 他並從當地人口中得知, 因為可愛的貓狗能吸引光觀客的目光,招睞商機, 所以貓狗在觀光季時被允許無控制的大量繁殖, 等到觀光季末,這些被拿來當招財的貓狗,就被圍捕並殺害! 等到下個旺季時,那些逃過一劫的不幸者,再繼續這樣悲慘的循環! 在每一個評論者所造訪的島上包括很有名的Mykonos,都是如此的粉飾太平! ……………… 原文的網址和文章如下: http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/A2UMWIMAHTNHH1/ref=cm_cr_auth/102-7509465-3317744?%5Fencoding=UTF8 All of Hans Silvester's photography books of cats, dogs & kittens in the Greek Cyclades Islands are lovely examples of fine photography. As a fine art photographer myself, I respect Mr. Silvester's level of skill and artistry, and I find his other books very beautiful. However, when I first became aware of his book about the cats and dogs, I was thoroughly dismayed by his choice of subject matter and the way he has chosen to portray the lives of these creatures as idyllic and carefree. Having been to these Greek islands, I have learned firsthand that the large majority of these poor animals are ignored, injured, or mistreated by people there-anything but "respected." The photographer has omitted portraits of the true conditions for most of the stray dogs and cats in Greece-crippled, starving, dying of thirst, hurt or maimed, with the humans around them barely taking notice. The full horror of the story was revealed to me by locals on the islands. Each year, the cats & dogs are allowed to breed uncontrolled, because tourists are fond of seeing the cute animals around town and on the beaches. At the end of each tourist season, as many of them as possible are rounded up and killed (I couldn't bear to learn how), until the following year when the ones that survived begin the cycle all over again. I found this same story on all the islands I visited, including Mykonos, and I was so appalled that I shortened my stay and left Greece altogether. The situation is a tragedy, and my feeling, as a photographer and animal lover, is that Mr. Silvester should not be misrepresenting the conditions of the cats and dogs on these Greek islands, especially when it is for monetary gain. I hope animal lovers around the world will agree, and send a message to anyone who profits in any way from the suffering of these dogs and cats in the sun.