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2010-11-10 12:34 PM
等級: 新手
文章: 2
註冊時間: 2010-11-10
最近來訪: 2010-11-10
PLEASE HELP THESE KITTENS AND ME!!! 救救小貓、救救我! 我一個禮拜前救回兩隻小貓,但因小貓們還小,一天內需要餵食多次•而因上班而無法照顧使的我無法專心工作,心力交瘁• 寄人籬下加上兼兩份工作使我意識到,使我無法密切關注他們的情況。所以迫切希望能幫他們尋找一個合適的家,並得到適當照顧。那一天晚上我始終認為我做的是對的,但周遭人的不諒解與苦處使我求助無門、關係惡化! SPCA Taiwan盡力的設法幫忙但親戚以給我最後通牒,希望在裡這星期六(11/10)之前送出不然我得搬走!!! T__T 時間緊迫還請各位有心人士,大力相助,不然台北市將要多出一個流浪漢與兩隻小貓! Video of these kittens: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=445326446639 http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=445896576639 10/28/2010, 7:27pm, 溫度是攝氏 18度,但刮著風所以覺得有到 6度。 在大安路一段51巷聽到小貓的哭泣。許多路人都停下來尋找聲音來自哪裡•叫聲也隨著風開始越來越大。本想離開但我毫不懷疑在這天氣下,如果我現在不將小貓帶回,他們將過不了今晚。 叫聲來自於一個平台,在一個公寓入口上,幸好公寓前門是打開的所以我走上二樓,看是否能看的到小貓們。果然,小貓躲在角落裡,瑟瑟發抖。 平台上充滿了電線和垃圾。我鑽出二樓窗口,從電線與垃圾中抱起小貓們。 黃色的小貓好動。從街上聽到的呼叫聲就是他的(我相信他們兩個都是小公貓)。在餵奶的時間,我要隨時注意他免得跑不見•十足的精力旺盛型• 黑白相間的小貓,個性平靜與輕鬆。餵奶時反應良好,並有可能已開始習慣週遭環境。 ------- 10/28/2010, 7:27pm, The temperature was 18 degree Celsius but it sure felt like 6 degree with the wind blowing…. I was walking down Da-An Road, Section 1, Alley 51 when I heard the cry. Many passersby stopped to find where the cry was coming from as it got louder while the wind started to blow. I thought about walking away but I had no doubt if I leave the kittens out in this weather without their mother, they would not survive. The mother was no where in sight so I made my move. The cry was coming from a platform on top of an apartment entrance and thankfully the front door was open at the time so I walked up the stairs to get a better view. Sure enough, the kittens were cuddled up in the corner, shivering. As looked out the platform, it was filled with cables and garbages. I climbed out through the window directly on top of the platform and picked them out from the garbage and cables littered across the surface. There eyes were still closed. The yellow kitten is full of energy. The cry I heard on the busy Da-An street was he’s (I believe both of them are male kittens). I have to keep my eyes on him at all-time since he cries out the most often and crawls everywhere when I take them out during feeding time. The black and white kitten is calm and at ease. He has been responding well during feeding time and might have started to get used to the surroundings. Living under relative’s roof and working two jobs made me realized that I am unable to keep a close eye on their conditions at all time. They need a proper home and proper care urgently.
2010-11-10 01:25 PM
最愛: 阿喵
等級: 精靈王
文章: 379
註冊時間: 2010-11-02
最近來訪: 2012-03-14
Dear tpan1227 請您留一下聯絡方式~ 方便有善心人跟您接洽 :) 徵小奶貓中途!!!! 推推推推!!!!!!!!
2010-11-10 01:31 PM
等級: 俠客
文章: 15
註冊時間: 2009-06-26
最近來訪: 2011-10-17
你好,我有在Facebook寄信給你喔,我有一位一直在幫Animals Taiwan中途貓咪的朋友願意幫忙,信裡有她的電話跟e-mail,請跟她聯絡吧
2010-11-10 03:55 PM
等級: 新手
文章: 2
註冊時間: 2010-11-10
最近來訪: 2010-11-10
下面引用由moonathena在 2010/11/10 01:31pm 發表的內容: 你好,我有在Facebook寄信給你喔,我有一位一直在幫Animals Taiwan中途貓咪的朋友願意幫忙,信裡有她的電話跟e-mail,請跟她聯絡吧
謝謝, moonathena !!
2010-11-10 06:44 PM
等級: 精靈王
文章: 385
註冊時間: 2009-06-26
最近來訪: 2016-04-08
小貓還沒開眼嗎? 看起來已經長蠻大了 好像有點怪怪的 有點擔心眼睛有沒有感染
2010-11-10 08:17 PM
最愛: 加菲達達小球捲捲咪子
等級: 光明使者
威望: 1
文章: 916
註冊時間: 2003-01-02
最近來訪: 2018-04-23